Technology and Service Overview
Roemex – Introduction: Roemex are market leaders in the production and supply of Specialty Oilfield Chemicals. With a 30 year track record in the oil and gas industry we have the ability to create bespoke solutions for a range of industry requirements in completions and production chemicals. As an independent privately owned company we are uniquely positioned to provide a level of support and service that is unique in the sector. Roemex has a global footprint headquartered in Aberdeen, Scotland with regional offices in Malaysia, Norway, ME and W. Africa
Roemex – Product & Service Overview Roemex can supply a full suite of chemicals to cater for the needs of the global oil and gas industry. Our 4 main product lines are highlighted below: Production Chemicals Remediation and dissolvers Hydrotest Decommissioning In addition to this we have the following service’s and support available: State of the art laboratory with development and testing capability for remedial treatments for problematic areas such as wax, scale deposition and corrosion. 68k litre blending capability 255k litre storage capability 450m3 Warehouse
Roemex – Bespoke Solutions Part of the history of Roemex is the part it plays in providing bespoke solutions to our global client base. From our laboratory and R&D facilities in Aberdeen we have the unique ability to undertake testing and development work manufacturing bespoke cocktails to suit individual field requirements.
Roemex – Wax control Roemex have a wide range of capabilities in the design of wax inhibitors for the prevention of wax deposition, and dissolvers for both wax and asphaltene removal. Our laboratory has gained extensive experience in testing and evaluating our products, and in tailoring them to specific crudes from around the globe.
Roemex – Wax control
Roemex – Corrosion Inhibition Roemex has developed a number of bespoke corrosion inhibitors for use in the North Sea which are rated Gold with no substitution warning. These form the backbone of our global corrosion inhibitor product line. Roemex continues R&D and refinement of the existing product range with the emphasis on improving performance within the North Sea and at the same time striving towards lowering the Environmental Impact Factor (EIF) of the chemicals.
Roemex – Corrosion Inhibition
Roemex – Corrosion Control Roemex are market leaders in the provision of Oxygen Scavengers, Biocides and H2S Scavengers. Our testing capability is listed below: Temperature Controlled Dissolved Oxygen Monitoring Equipment H2S Generation and scavenger screening using Kipps apparatus Water analysis
Roemex – Scale Control & Inhibition Roemex have a long term track record in the provision and deployment of barium sulphate and calcium carbonate scale dissolvers for topside and downhole applications. As part of on going R&D and product development Roemex has developed bespoke chemistries for niche applications in addition to the industry standard products , such as phosphonate and polymeric products. Our testing capability is listed below: High pressure high temperature dynamic scaling loop (HP/HT PMAC) Static bottle testing Squeeze inhibitor core flood tests (currently third party) Scaling prediction modelling (MultiSCALE, Scale Chem) Scale inhibitor residuals analysis (ICP-OES and by Hyamine method)
Roemex – Hydrotest Hydrotest Range: As the market leader in the development and field application of pre-commissioning and commissioning chemicals. In the last few years this business has grown internationally. Roemex can offer both differentiating technology in solid products and environmentally acceptable combined product cocktails, along with dedicated personnel capable of providing individual treatment programmes. Hydrotest Range: Solid and Liquid Versions available: Leak Detection Dyes Biocides Oxygen Scavengers Corrosion Inhibitors Combined Chemicals: Combined Hydrotest inhibitor liquid Combined Oxygen Scavanger & Biocide Solid Combined Oxygen Scavanger & CI Solid
Combined Hydrotest Products LIQUIDS: RX-5227(seawater) RX-5248 (potable water/ MEG: water mixes) Combined Hydrotest inhibitor containing Oxygen Scavenger, Corrosion Inhibitor & Biocide Environmentally friendly Compatible with all other Roemex products in the Hydrotest range Dose at 500ppm for up to 2years protection (RX-5227) and long term (RX-5248)
Combined Hydrotest Products RX-5234 Combined Hydrotest Inhibitor containing Oxygen Scavenger and Biocide Environmentally friendly Compatible with all other Roemex products in the Hydrotest range Dose at 500ppm for up to 2 years protection
Leak Detection Dyes RX-9022 Leak Detection Dye RX-9034A Leak Detection Dye sticks 50g – 1KG Environmentally friendly Recommended dose rate 100ppm
Leak Detection – Solid Dyes Standard RX-9034A comes with 2 hours holding time at 4°C. After that time chemical is released into water and disperses quickly.
Biocides and Oxygen Scavengers RX-1228 Solid Environmentally friendly RX-270 & RX-1237 Liquids Various alternative bases in liquid form Oxygen Scavengers: RX-5207 Solid RX-202 Liquid
Corrosion Inhibitors RX-2030 Liquid CI RX-5718 Liquid CI, Long term protection time RX-5720 Solid CI, Long term Protection time Various Sizes depending on application 5g – 25KG
Combined Solids RX-5208 Combined Oxygen Scavenger & Biocide Stick Combined Oxygen Scavenger & Corrosion Inhibitor Stick Longer term protection Various sizes depending on application
Negatively Buoyant Sticks Recently developed: RX-5207B oxygen scavenger RX-5720B Corrosion Inhibitor RX-9034C Dye stick
Glycols and Solvents MEG MEG:Water mixes Dyed Meg / Dyed MEG:Water mixes TEG Methanol Dyed Methanol Large volumes of MEG / TEG onsite Vast experience in bulk orders
Roemex – Decommissioning Roemex has unique and innovative range of products designed specifically at the decommissioning market. These products are designed to clean, de-wax and de-scale flowlines and process equipment. The products can be used individually or in combination with each other. For example, RX-7846 to de-oil a subsea flowline followed by RX-7821 to dissolve deposited scale and RX-7892 to remove wax deposition.
Roemex – Decommissioning In the case study Roemex product RX-7821 was deployed to remove scale from LP separator 16” pipe work and crude cooler whilst in dock prior to recommissioning and sailing back out to station. The pipe was successfully removed of scale deposition and upon return to station flow rates were higher, back pressure lower and cold spots on the line were eradicated. We have worked closely with Halliburton and Maersk for supply of decommissioning chemical for dewaxing/hydrocarbon removal from flowlines down to 5ppm
Supply Capacity Liquid supply: Kegs Drums IBC’s Offshore tanks / ISO Tanks Road Tankers Solid Supply: Standard sizes from stock Made to order for specific sizes