Interdisciplinary Research in Law: Data Mining in Legal Matters Dana Neacsu & Eric Glass GIS/Metadata Librarian DSSC, Columbia University;
Hypothetical 1: In Mapp v. Ohio, 367 U.S. 643 (1961), the U.S. Supreme Court extended the due process protections of the exclusionary rule to include all “constitutionally unreasonable searches” that were done without a basis of probable cause. In the 7 years after Mapp, homicide rates in the U.S. nearly doubled, riots broke out in at least forty-seven U.S. cities. During the same era, a heroin epidemic gripped the nation’s urban centers, giving rise to street drug markets and associated violence and pressures on law enforcement to curb those markets. As violence increased, a turn in the nation’s political culture questioned Mapp’s restraints on police discretion to stop and search criminal suspects. The result was Terry v. Ohio, 392 U.S. 1 (1968). Can we find the data supporting the jurisprudential change from Mapp to Terry?
Macro-management of interdisciplinary legal research: What data Macro-management of interdisciplinary legal research: What data? From what databases? Free-of charge or proprietary?
Crime Statistics U.S. Department of Justice Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Bureau of Justice Statistics National Criminal Justice Reference Service Federal Justice Statistics Resource Center Bureau of Prisons Drug Enforcement Administration Federal Bureau of Investigation National Insitute of Justice Office of Juvenile Justice and Deliquency Prevention U.S. Marshals Service U.S. Department of Homeland Security Federal Judiciary/U.S. Courts Justice Research and Statistics Association National Archive of Criminal Justice Data National Center for Juvenile Justice National Center for State Courts Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse
Crime Statistics Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics Hindelang Criminal Justice Research Center, University of Albany Compilation of over 100 sources for data on crime, victims, arrests, seizures, courts, prosecutions, sentencing, prisons and inmates as well as public opinion on crime and criminal justice-related topics and information on criminal justice systems. Examples Estimated number and rate (per 100,000 inhabitants) of offenses known to police, by offense, United States 1960-2012 Reported Drug use by type of drug, United States, 1988-2003 Percent distribution of arrests for drug abuse violations 1982-2012 Arrests by the Drug Enforcement Administration 1992-2003 Drug removals from the domestic market by the Drug Enforcement Administration 1978-2003
Statistical Abstract of the United States Census Department until 2012, now ProQuest Pdf archives available online - Tabular versions available in ProQuest statistical abstract of the U.S. (search CLIO) Section 5 – Law Enforcement, Federal Courts and Prisons. Tables on crime rates, offenses and arrests, police protection, court cases, civil disorders, police protection and prisoners
Crime Data, Political Culture, Public Opinion ICPSR A vast archive of social science data for research and instruction, over 8,000 titles presented with full documentation and most with data formatted for use in standard statistical packages. Search by variable or dataset Raw data Examples Political Violence in the United States, 1819-1968 (ICPSR 80) Governmental Responses to Crime in the United States, 1948-1978 (ICPSR 8076) National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, 1979 (ICPSR 6843) Correlates of Crime: A Study of 52 Nations, 1960-1984 (ICPSR 9258) Public Policy and Socio-Economic Data for Large Cities in the United States, 1960 (ICPSR 65) Patterns of Behavior in Police and Citizen Transactions: Boston, Chicago, and Washington, DC, 1966 (ICPSR 9086)
Hypothetical 2: Recently, we heard so much from the media about the impact of "fake news" on the results of the 2016 Presidential election? Is that statement quantifiable? Can it be verified?
ProQuest Statistical Insight Search CLIO Provides statistical data from U.S. government publications from 1973, state and private sources from 1980, and international organizations from 1983. Tabular formats Wide breadth of formats Examples Evolving Role of News on Twitter and Facebook (Pew Research) Role of News on Facebook: Common Yet Incidental (Pew) Beyond Facebook, Small Portions Of The Public Learn About The Elections On Social Media [January 18-27, 2016 Survey](Page no.012 Table no.002) Internet Activities Of Adults By Geographic Community Type: 2010 To 2013 [Selected Months](Page no.750 Table no.1177) (Statistical Abstract)
Election Results ICPSR United States General Election Exit Polls Series Not for 2016 yet American National Election Study: 2016 Pilot Study (ICPSR 36390) The survey included questions about preferences in the presidential primary, stereotyping, the economy, discrimination, race and racial consciousness, police use of force, and numerous policy issues, such as immigration law, health insurance, and federal spending During the past 4 years, have you ever sent a message on Facebook or Twitter about a political issue, or have you not done this in the past 4 years? Dave Leip presidential Election Results – county by county From DSSC, 2016 not available yet.
Polling data Roper Center for Public Opinion Research iPoll Specializes in public opinion surveys and has local, state, national and international pools Data on American politics includes coverage relating to presidential approval, U.S. elections (including exit polls), and congress. Access polls at question level Examples: 1) Which one of the following is your main source of political news and information?...Television, Internet, newspaper, radio, social media like Facebook and Twitter, talking with others, do you not really follow politics...And, which is your next major source of political news and information? (NBC) How much of what you post on Facebook is related to politics (including the 2016 elections)? (Rew) General Social Survey (NORC) Since 1972 A historical record of the concerns, experiences, attitudes, and practices of residents of the United States. Data Explorer - Variety of variables on internet use and opinions.
A word on Social Media Data Searching archival collections will typically require funding and programming ability Capturing data moving forward may be more feasible Twitter archiving Google sheet: A list from NCSU Libraries:
Questions? Eric Glass Email: