Welcome! Sign in on the attendance sheet. Grab some pizza! Icebreaker: What is your idea of a perfect vacation? 1 Point Meetings 2 Points MSO Event, E-Week, bring female friend to meeting 3 Points Attend social/community service event, attend mentor/mentee event, wear SWE tshirt to meeting/event 4 Points HSO Event, bring male friend to meeting 5 Points Fundraising, buying SWE spiritwear, signing up/renewing national membership 6 Points Attending Regional Conference 8 Points Attending Annual Conference
Society of Women Engineers November 9th 601 Old Chem 6-7 PM
SWEster of the Week November 2nd: Congratulations Morgan Beer! Third year, Biomedical Engineering Gone above and beyond with fundraising ideas and has brought in tons of funds for our section!
SWEster of the Week November 9th: Congratulations Christina Ahting & Natasha Sutton! Fifth year, Biomedical Engineering; Second year, Environmental Engineering Planned a very successful high school outreach conference with a great turnout. Established good relationships between schools and our SWE section. Went to Nashville this past October and has been very involved!
NEW WEBSITE! uc.swe.org Meeting PowerPoints Upcoming events Info about programs Link/directions to join SWE Officer contact info
Movie & Game Day November 15th 2 – 6 PM TUC Join UD, Southwest OH, Miami, OSU, and Wright State for a movie and games! Bring your board games No Cards Against Humanity or other inappropriate games! Sign ups in minutes! Showing of Guardians of the Galaxy Dinner provided
Social & Community Service Events Kelly Cooper: coopeky@mail.uc.edu Recap-Run for Hunger 5k Book Drive Nov 18-20; Baldwin Lobby; 10 AM – 3 PM Need people to sign up to manage collection box! Ice Skating or Trip to the Movies? Vote Tuesday Nov 24th 7 PM Google sign up in minutes!
Middle School Outreach Sid Stacy & Marie Steveknot uc.swe.msoutreach@gmail.com Next Event: Nov 21st 8:30 AM – 1 PM Let it Launch – Aerospace Engineering
Christina Ahting & Natasha Sutton: uc.swe.hsoutreach@gmail.com High School Outreach Christina Ahting & Natasha Sutton: uc.swe.hsoutreach@gmail.com Recap Future Women in Engineering Conference
Future Women in Engineering Conference 2015
Morgan Beer: beerme@mail.uc.edu Fundraising Morgan Beer: beerme@mail.uc.edu T-Shirt Sales Contact Morgan Beer (513-260-9176) or Elizabeth Sheetz (513-587-9985)
Welcome Lt. Allison Martin!
Join us for our LAST meeting! Monday, November 23rd 601 Old Chem 6-7 PM ACCEND Program
Become a Society Member Open up your browser and go to swe.org Select Membership > Select Join Select Become a Member Login if you already have an account Create your account and fill out required information Select the type of membership you would like to purchase "Collegiate to Career" is the first option for $50. This allows you to be a member for your entire college career (undergraduate and graduate) and your first year as a professional. This option is highly recommended. "New Collegiate" membership is for $20 and it allows you to be a member for one year of college. Select G053 - University of Cincinnati for the chapter/section and then click continue. Fill out your payment information. Submit your order. You will receive an email confirming your membership.