WMO INTEGRATED GLOBAL OBSERVING SYSTEM (WIGOS) Dr Fernando Belda Director, OBS Department 27-31 March, 2017 San José, Costa Rica
What is WIGOS? WMO foundational activity addressing the observing needs of the weather, climate, water and environmental services of its Members A framework for integrating all WMO observing systems and WMO contributions to co-sponsored observing systems under a common regulatory and management framework Together with the WMO Information System (WIS), WIGOS is a WMO contribution to GEOSS.WIGOS is not: Replacing or taking over existing observing systems, which will continue to be owned and operated by a diverse array of organizations and programmes, national as well as international.
WIGOS Component Systems Global Observing System (WWW/GOS) Observing component of Global Atmospheric Watch (GAW) WMO Hydrological Observations (including WHOS) Observing component of Global Cryosphere Watch (GCW)
The WIGOS Pre-Operational Phase (2016-2019) Increased emphasis on regional and national activities Five main priority areas: WIGOS Regulatory Material, supplemented with necessary guidance material WIGOS Information Resource, including the Observing Systems Capabilities analysis and Review tool (OSCAR), especially OSCAR/Surface WIGOS Data Quality Monitoring System (WDQMS) Regional Structure; Regional WIGOS Centers National WIGOS Implementation, coordination and governance mechanisms Priority areas II and III will enable us to: Describe what WIGOS is, and Measure how well it performs Initial role of priority area IV (RWCs): Provide support for areas II and III
OSCAR OSCAR, the Observation Systems Capabilities and Review tool currently consists of three databases: OSCAR/Requirements, in which “technology free” requirements are provided for all 14 WMO application areas, expressed in units of geophysical variables (260 in total currently), not measurands; not just atmospheric, also terrestrial, ocean, cryosphere, … OSCAR/Space, listing the capabilities of all satellite sensors, whether historical, operational or planned OSCAR/Surface, list surface-based capabilities; developed by MeteoSwiss for WMO, in beta-testing www.wmo.int/oscar/
WIGOS Data Quality Monitoring System (WDQMS) Real-time monitoring of performance (data availability and data quality) of all WIGOS components, searchable by region, country, station type, period, etc. The WDQMS will provide a complete description of how well WIGOS is functioning Monitor regional and national performance of all WIGOS components Pilot projects involving ECMWF, NCEP, DWD, KMS and others are underway Delayed mode monitoring of data quality as measured against reference sources of information. Fault management system for tracking and mitigation of performance issues.
WDQMS – ECMWF Images - snapshot
Regional WIGOS Centers (RWC) Why? Many WMO Members requesting support from Secretariat for national implementation efforts Can be addressed more efficiently and effectively at regional level What? Initial role or RWC will be to support national WIGOS Implementation efforts, in particular as concerns OSCAR/Surface; ensuring metadata input and QC WDQMS; especially fault management component How? To be decided by individual WMO Regions - will likely take place primarily at the sub-Regional level Pilot RA-VI (Europe) RWC being implemented around existing EUMETNET activities; approved by EUMETNET STAC/PFAC in March 2016
Regional WIGOS Centers (III) Benefits to Region and Members involved Helps maintain an up to date comprehensive online inventory (OSCAR/Surface) of observing systems/platform for the Region or sub-Region Helps support network design and network management activities Incident management component of WDQMS will lead to better observations for the benefit of all users, both regionally and globally - most important data voids for global NWP are in Africa Capacity building for sub-Region and (especially) for host(s) of RWC Can play a role also in education and training, calibration and maintenance, …
WIGOS Timeline WIGOS Pre-operational Phase WIGOS Concept WIGOS Congress 16 Congress 18 Congress 17 Wigos strategic priority ICG-WIGOS WIGOS Ready WIGOS Concept WIGOS Framework WIGOS Operational Technical Commissions, under leadership of CBS and CIMO, in collaboration with Regional Associations Arrow goes back further, since integration is not a new concept – the WWW was/is an exemplar in integration, with its end to end view across WMO/NMHS functions, and the GOS has led the way in surface and space- based integration. Now broaden and embrace, and address the growing challenges and demand on NMHS for more and more observations, with fewerand fewer resoirces, and with increasingly rapid changes in technology on all fronts. Situational awareness is all about observations, information and interpretation
WIGOS Timeline WIGOS Pre-operational Phase WIGOS Concept WIGOS Congress 16 Congress 18 Congress 17 Wigos strategic priority ICG-WIGOS WIGOS Ready WIGOS Concept WIGOS Framework WIGOS Operational Technical Commissions, under leadership of CBS and CIMO, in collaboration with Regional Associations Arrow goes back further, since integration is not a new concept – the WWW was/is an exemplar in integration, with its end to end view across WMO/NMHS functions, and the GOS has led the way in surface and space- based integration. Now broaden and embrace, and address the growing challenges and demand on NMHS for more and more observations, with fewerand fewer resoirces, and with increasingly rapid changes in technology on all fronts. Situational awareness is all about observations, information and interpretation Strengthened EC role
Summary and Conclusions WIGOS global framework is now in place and will be further developed during the Pre-operational Phase (2016-2019) OSCAR/Surface and the WIGOS Data Quality Monitoring System (WDQMS) are the two most important technical elements, and both are of strategic importance to WMO OSCAR/Surface provides a quantitative, comprehensive online description of all observing platforms and stations of WIGOS WDQMS is the primary WIGOS performance measuring tool Still in development; pilot projects underway Regional WIGOS Centers will provide important support function for these elements Still looking for pilot implementation in RA-I
Thank you Merci