EQ: What was it like to be an immigrant during the 19th Century? SS5H3d
Why would someone emigrate? What is an immigrant? An immigrant is a person who leaves their homeland to live somewhere else. Why would someone emigrate? Religious persecution War For a better life, more opportunities Famine For work
Where did they immigrate from? Some came from Europe ….. Germany Ireland United Kingdom Austria Hungary Italy France
Others came from Asia….. China Japan The Philippines
Where did they go? European immigrants came to New York city and entered the U.S. through Ellis Island Asian immigrants came to Los Angles, California and entered through Angel Island
What were their lives like? Many European immigrants worked in city factories and as servants. Many Asian immigrants worked on the Transcontinental Railroad or in gold and coal mining.
How did this change America? Well, You probably have an ancestor that came over during this time period (1910 – 1920) Our food, clothing, traditions, and language have all changed because of the various cultures that mixed. Now the U.S. has been called a “Melting Pot” due to its variety of cultures.