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Unit 1 Big Changes Main Page Previous Next
Next Main Page Previous About You Answers In pairs, ask the questions and have your friend answer. Then switch roles. 1. Where is your family from? 2. Have members of your family ever emigrated? Where did they immigrate to? 3. What problems do immigrants to new countries face? 4. Do you have relatives in other cities/ countries? Have you ever visited them? 5. Are there many immigrants where you live? Where do they come from? Answers 1. They are from Leipzig, Germany. 2. His family has been in the western part of Germany since soon after the reunification 3. No, he hasn’t. 4. He’s allowed to work legally in Germany because his grandparents were from Germany. 5. No, he isn’t. He is happy in Germany. Main Page Previous Next
Next Main Page Previous After Reading v v A. Choose the meaning of each word as it is used in the reading 1. perpetuation (paragraph 2) a. continuation b. memory c. in constant motion 2. regain (paragraph 2) a. to remember b. to lose c. to get something back 3. treatment (paragraph 2) a. Operation b. bad behavior c. medical procedure to cure 4. effect (paragraph 2) a. Fact b. result c. answer 5. transformed (paragraph 3) a. charged by electricity b. moved quickly c. changed completely 6. rationed (paragraph 4) a. what animals eat b. given in limited amounts c. amount given to soldiers v v Main Page Previous Next