Leadership Emergence: Developmental Activities that Impact Growth and Performance Deborah Olson, PhD, Associate Professor Management & Leadership To know one's strengths, to know how to improve them, and to know what one cannot do (well) -- are the keys to continuous learning. Peter Drucker
Overview Leadership Development Overview Olson, D.A. (accepted, 2017). Developing leadership talent through multiple experiences. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, S.G. Rogelberg, 2nd Edition. Kottke, J., Olson, D.A., & Shultz, K.S. (in press, 2016). Use of practicum classes to solidify the scientist-practitioner model in master’s level training. In Wankel, C. and Wankel, L. (Eds). Integrating curricular and co-curricular endeavors to enhance student outcomes. Emerald Publishing Group. Clarity of Focus: Leadership Development Experiences: Three Key Experiences Case Example: Creating “lollipop moments” – Everyday Leadership
Leadership Development Overview Leadership: Complexity of Challenges, Opportunities, Problems, Issues Context Matters: Technology vs. Educational vs. Non-profit vs. Health care . . . Billions spent by organizations annually to facilitate growth and learning Meaningful outcomes impact on the use of talents to optimize performance Not just having experiences . . . Reflection: When I was successful . . . When I wasn’t . . . Building networks, relationships, mentoring relationships
Leadership Development Experiences Interpersonal Versatility: Building relationships; finding mentors Learning and Insight: Assignments and jobs that facilitate growth: technical, political, network expansion Adaptability: Becoming more flexible to optimally respond to different people and situations.
Relationships: Expanding Interpersonal Versatility and the Importance of Mentors Leadership is an Interpersonal Influence Process Early Leadership Belief: Technical Focus “what is the right way to do this” Impact of Education Process (right answer) Doesn’t everyone do it this way? Leadership Reality: Wide range of different approaches and people Mentors who give perspective and feedback on “how” Asking challenging questions, frustrations, “making introductions”, conflicts Role models, emotional sounding board, mistakes in perspective
Assignments and Jobs that Facilitate Learning Early career assignments: applying technical skills (doing things right) Evolving careers: creative approaches, doing the right things (Bennis) Building Credibility through WHAT and HOW work is completed Getting buy-in and support Political and interpersonal savvy Reflection: What made that successful . . . What caused that problem . . .
Responding to Challenges and Opportunities: Expanding Adaptability Building confidence: Focus on options; not taking it personally Resilience: Relying on networks of support – “I don’t need to do this alone” Optimism: It’s not just thinking positively, it’s building resources in each action and interaction. Higher performance Greater Life Satisfaction Stronger Relationships
Case Example: Summer Internship Best Practices Recommendations Reflections Student Internship: Focusing on Development for both the Intern and Manager/Mentor Impact on Talents and Learnings Lollipop Moments (Drew Dudley – Everyday Leadership)
Best Practices Breanna Tony Review/Revise Training Plan each week Flexibility of meeting topics (training/discussion) based on changing work tasks Direct & thorough feedback on work projects each week Tony Link discussion agenda to performance and developmental goals Integrate changes into the whole summer plan
Recommendations Breanna Tony Integrate In The Zone/Loathed It logging & discussion Review goals regularly in order for manager or employee to remove any obstacles in the way of their accomplishment Tony Integrate detailed training plan with performance goals Link strengths to activities Use performance appraisal/plan to drive discussion (the form doesn’t matter)
Reflections Breanna Tony I have learned more about my strengths - how they help me and how they may hinder me. I have learned how to delegate or ask for help on tasks that are my own, but that others may have the talents for. Look at the big picture! Tony Guide creative learning through questions, not answers Strengths matter – what to emphasize vs ignore Use virtual communication to balance autonomy and access
Everyday Leadership http://www. ted
References Bell, C.R. & Goldsmith, M. (2013). Managers as mentors: Building partnerships for learning. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers. Hanson, B. (2013). The leadership development interface: Aligning leaders and organizations toward more effective leadership learning. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 15, 106-120 Hughes, R.L., Beatty, K.C., & Dunwoodie, D.L. (2014). Becoming a strategic leadership: Your role in your organization’s enduring success (2nd ed). New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons. Johansen, B. (2012). Leaders make the future: Ten new leadership skills for an uncertain world. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers. King, S.N., Altman, D., & Lee, R.J. (2011). Discovering the leader in you: How to realize your leadership potential. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers/A Wiley Imprint. Scisco, P., McCauley, C.D., Leslie, J.B., & Elsey, R. (2014). Change now! Five steps to better leadership. Greensboro, NC: CCL Press.
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