Registered Manager Networks – an introduction Laura Anthony Skills for Care Locality Manager – SW London
Registered Managers Help for registered managers Registered managers (RMs) are a key group in the improvement of quality in social care - mentioned specifically in Caring for our future CQC report – ratings are lower in establishments where there is no RM or a high turnover of RMs Everyday Excellence (NSA research) - sense of isolation, need for stronger recognition of the role, lack of access to support, enthusiasm for the creation of an official membership body
Registered Managers Around 1 in 4 registered managers will leave their role each year (a turnover rate of 24.1%) This turnover rate rises to nearly 1 in 3 within care homes with nursing (32.3%) while care homes without nursing and domiciliary care both have a turnover rate of closer to 1 in 5 The overall vacancy rate for registered managers was 12.4% Vacancy rates for registered managers are highest in care homes with nursing (15.8%) and lower in care homes without nursing (11.3%) and domiciliary care (12.3%)
Registered Managers Registered Managers Networks Established by registered managers and supported by Skills for Care. Each network: is chaired by a registered manager sets its own aims and purpose in line with the interests and needs of local managers, within the context of quality, leadership and learning & development balances a mix of formal and informal discussions represents an opportunity to engage collectively with local stakeholders, for instance commissioners or CQC representatives meets a minimum of three times a year
Registered Managers Registered Managers Networks - evaluation A recent evaluation has found that our registered manager networks are making managers feel more confident in their roles: 97% of those who were part of a network said they felt more confident in their position since joining the network 52% said they felt they were more likely to continue as a registered manager than they had before they joined The greatest benefit reported was access to up-to-date information
Skills for Care update Laura Anthony Locality Manager – SW London
Project to support SMEs with recruitment & retention Open to employers with between 10 and 249 staff Successful applicants will receive support from a Skills for Care project manager as well as a payment of between £4k and £6k Focus will be on embedding the use of Apprenticeships to support recruitment and retention & workforce development Invitation to Tender out currently – deadline for submissions is the 7th Dec (12pm)
Event: The Care Certificate – helping you to assess with confidence 13th December (10am – 1.30pm) in London Will cover: the methods of assessment you can use what makes ‘good’ evidence how to create an assessment plan Cost: £80 + VAT
Upcoming Skills for Care Recruitment & Retention seminars Finding the right people for your organisation - will explore practical ways to find and attract candidates as well as practice shortlisting and designing selection days to help recruit people with the right values and behaviours for their organisation Recruiting for values in adult social care - will provide delegates with the opportunity to develop and practice new interviewing techniques and skills to identify and assess how a candidate’s personal values, behaviours and attitudes align with those of their organisation
Stay in touch SIGN UP FOR e-news and local resource update bulletin Laura Anthony E: Telephone: 07890 514106