Brunelcare – about us
Brunelcare – key facts Registered Charity and Housing Association providing care, support and housing Established as a charity 75 years ago, to provide food, shelter and support to older people in Bristol following bombing of 1941 4 care homes (294 rooms), 1 Reablement Centre (22 rooms), 4 extra care housing sites, 30 sheltered housing sites (1000 homes), 1 retirement village, 3000+ people receiving support & care at home, 4 day centres. Widely recognised for our expertise in caring for people living with a dementia 75th anniversary falls in october this year
Where we operate Spotlight on our services in Somerset: Community Services offices based in Bridgwater Domiciliary Care Respite Re-ablement Services Emergency Waking Night Service Glastonbury Care Home No. of staff 200 No. of care hours provided 4050 on average per week
Looking Ahead & Aspirations Working together – we are open minded and keen to explore the ways we can work with other organisations to enhance the services provided to the people we care for and keep them living independent and fulfilled lives. Collaborative Working – we are enthusiastic to work with independent and voluntary organisations to offer specialised or bespoke services based on our customers needs. Partnership Working – we are building relationships with other agencies to provide extra benefits and services to our customers, services like Somerset Fire, Citizens Advice, Volunteering Services.
Thank you. 8th June 2016 Brunelcare Community Services Team, Somerset: Tel – 01278 439177 Email – Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube