How can we better support innovative businesses to grow in “social care tech”? Mark Browne – Emerging Sectors & Challenger Businesses Team June 2017
Why “Emerging Sectors & Challenger Businesses”? £30bn per year is invested by Government and Industry in the UK – it has an impact! Companies developing and deploying technology grow new sectors. Existing sectors transform through application of technology, improving productivity / competitiveness, driving growth: in exports, investment and jobs. Changes are led by ‘challenger businesses’ – high growth innovative businesses. Virtuous circles accelerate pace of change: Impact and opportunity for established businesses is significant. Our role is to understand these changes, and these businesses, and as part of industrial strategy, ensure whole of government able to make the most of the opportunities. Industrial Strategy: We support: Cultivating world leading sectors Investing in science and research Supporting businesses to start and grow Emerging Sectors and Challenger Businesses
Opportunities from the Industrial Strategy Supporting R&D, innovation & tech diffusion Promoting start-up & growth Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund A range of sector deals Opportunity to reach across sectors Potential focus on Place “Embedding a narrative of healthy aging” Emerging Sectors and Challenger Businesses
? Tackling barriers to growth - some questions to explore How do we build a shared vision of “social care tech”? What needs to happen for the consumer market to “tip”? What are the opportunities in the B2B market? The Statutory market will continue to be important – how would we like to see this develop? What would a proportionate approach to risk & regulation look like? ? What needs to happen? How can you contribute? Emerging Sectors and Challenger Businesses
A shared vision of “social care tech”? Lifecourse Lifestyle Ubiquitous Integrated Social care tech Assisted living Telecare Telehealth Wearables Mobile apps Smart homes Robotics & AI Sharing Economy Emerging Sectors and Challenger Businesses
Is the consumer market ready to tip? Emerging Sectors and Challenger Businesses
Opportunities for the Business to Business Market Currently the most significant area of growth for innovative & challenger businesses? Presents a significant opportunity to drive market penetration for practical tech & gadgets. Domiciliary care is provided by around 5,500 providers operating from around 8,600 locations – Eight out of ten are entirely paper-based! Residential care is provided by around 7,000 providers operating around 16,400 homes – One in twenty care homes offer internet access! Emerging Sectors and Challenger Businesses
Continued opportunities in the Statutory sector Local Authorities currently spend around £7bn annually purchasing care (residential & domiciliary) for older people as part of an overall £15bn annual spend on Adult Social Care. There are incentives for Local Authorities investing: DH-DCLG analysis suggests that for every £1 invested in adaptations, there is a saving of £3.70 to the public sector. The 2014 Care Act places a legal duty on Local Authorities in England to provide information and advice on home adaptations & technology to local users, including those paying for their own care. Local Authorities are also responsible for administering the £431m (17/18) Disability Facilities Grant (DFG), which funds adaptations for disabled people who qualify. Emerging Sectors and Challenger Businesses
A proportionate approach to risk & regulation? How well have the risks been mapped and understood? For example: When does a fridge become a medical device? For example: do emerging online platforms provide ‘ongoing direction and control’? Perception, reality . . . and communication. Nature of support or task offered Nature & acuteness of user need Delivery Setting Long-term aim of support Who’s Paying or arranging the care? Emerging Sectors and Challenger Businesses