Cardiff & The Vale Care & Support Regional Workforce Partnership
Cardiff and Vale Regional Social Care Workforce Development Partnership Terms of Reference Cardiff and Vale Regional Social Care Workforce Development Partnership 1. Aim of the Partnership To promote “One sector – One workforce” in delivering the ambitions of the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014
Cardiff and Vale Regional Social Care Workforce Development Partnership Terms of Reference 2. Role of the Partnership To steer the development and delivery of the Regional Learning & Development Plan To ensure the Plan supports the Regional Implementation Plan for the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act and interfaces with the National Learning & Development
3. Membership Membership is available to Agencies engaged in the delivery of services within the aims of the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act including: Commissioners Commissioned services Statutory (including Health, Police & Probation), third sector and private sector employers Service users and Carers Training Providers Regulated and non-regulated settings covering social work and social care for children & family services and adult services
Welsh Assembly Guidance has advised, at a minimum, members must reflect views of: Adult Care Providers Domiciliary Care Providers Children’s Care Providers Further & Higher Education Service Users and Carers LHB’s
4. Structure of the Partnership The intention is to encourage membership of all social care agencies involved in the delivery of the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act in Cardiff & The Vale.
4.1 Partnership Board The business of the Partnership will be steered through a Strategic Partnership Board chaired by the Cardiff & The Vale Regional Lead Director of Social Services for Workforce Development.
4.2 Operational Group The Operational Group is the operational arm of the Partnership tasked by, and reporting to, the Partnership Board with converting the strategic goals of the Regional Learning & Development Plan into actions.
4.3 Task & Finish Groups Specific pieces of work identified as required in the Learning & Development Plan will be undertaken by small task & finish groups.
4.4 Partnership Events Partnership Events will be as important, if not more important, than the other elements of the Partnership structure. Apart from providing avenues of communication, they will provide opportunities for consultation, information sharing and also holding the Partnership Board to account.
Key Priorities 1.1 Qualifications for Social Care Workers 1.2 Registration of the Social Care Workforce – 2018 2.1 Promote Recruitment and Retention of Social Care Workers 3.1 Appropriately recruit suitable practitioners to take up the regions 7 places on the “Step up to Management” Programme 4.1 Implementation of Social Care Induction Framework
5.1 Strengthen mechanisms for data collection and analysis and establish systems for communicating key findings to the Social Care Sector in a timely way. 6.1 Supporting the implementation of the Dementia Care 10 year Strategy across the region
7.1 Promote outcome planning and commissioning for citizens 8.1 Identifying the training & develop needs of unpaid carers and work with them to meet these needs 9.1 Support the engagement of Children’s Services providers within the Workforce Partnership