Sustainability and Transformation Partnership


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Presentation transcript:

Sustainability and Transformation Partnership Sussex & East Surrey Sustainability & Transformation Partnership Sussex and East Surrey Sustainability and Transformation Partnership Update, June 2017

What is the STP? The STP is a partnership Sussex & East Surrey Sustainability & Transformation Partnership What is the STP? The STP is a partnership A new way of working together across health and social care 24 organisations - CCGs, providers and local authorities Aims to: Ensure no part of the system operates in isolation Improve health and wellbeing Improve health and care services Make the best use of available resources Not one, single, separate plan It is a way of aligning the plans of all the partners

Why do we need an STP? Health and wellbeing gap Sussex & East Surrey Sustainability & Transformation Partnership Why do we need an STP? Health and wellbeing gap Growing and aging population, more long term conditions Significant health inequalities across the area Above average rates of smoking among 15 year olds, adult obesity and hospitalisation for self-harm Care quality gap Primary care recruitment, access and facilities Secondary care access, outcomes and recruitment Finance and efficiency gap Becoming harder to keep up with rising costs £900m gap by 2020/21 if we do nothing

Progress so far Scale of change needed is not easy; it will take time Sussex & East Surrey Sustainability & Transformation Partnership Progress so far Scale of change needed is not easy; it will take time Crucial that we involve local communities – patients, the public and staff – in developing plans We have been developing relationships and processes for working together Established clinical board – senior professionals from all partners to oversee shape of future services

Sussex & East Surrey Sustainability & Transformation Partnership STP review and refresh Review and refresh carried out in April 2017 concluded: Place based plans will be primary vehicle for new care models, with four areas for planning and delivery, dedicated effort is now needed to accelerate development A number of STP priorities have been proposed for 2017/18 A revised governance structure has been developed Financial position has continued to deteriorate and the system needs a strategic financial plan

Sussex & East Surrey Sustainability & Transformation Partnership STP priorities 2017/18 Develop place-based plans for integrated health and care to manage population health and reduce hospital activity Establish a collective approach for developing primary care Develop and implement a model for commissions to commission more integrated care across a larger area and share resources Improve mental health care and develop a model of care for people with enduring mental illness Improve services for urgent & emergency care, mental health and cancer Develop a strategy to ensure we have the right acute services for future Coordinate plans for digital, workforce and estates Develop a shared financial plan and identify and implement productivity opportunities

Place based plans Community-based, integrated health and care services Sussex & East Surrey Sustainability & Transformation Partnership Place based plans Community-based, integrated health and care services Each plan based on local needs, but with shared aims: Help people to stay well Support people to manage conditions and retain independence Avoid unnecessary hospital visits The four places: Coastal Care Central Sussex and East Surrey Alliance – North Central Sussex and East Surrey Alliance – South East Sussex Better Together

Acute and community providers Sussex & East Surrey Sustainability & Transformation Partnership Sussex and East Surrey Note: Boundaries and names for CSESA North/South places to be defined Acute and community providers 9 Mental health trusts 2 GP Surgeries 215 Social care Domiciliary care 296 Nursing homes 268 Care homes 651 Ambulance trust 1 CCGs 8 CENTRAL SUSSEX AND EAST SURREY ALLIANCE – NORTH Local authorities 4 ‘Places’ 4 CENTRAL SUSSEX AND EAST SURREY ALLIANCE – SOUTH COASTAL CARE EAST SUSSEX BETTER TOGETHER

Place based plans – next steps Sussex & East Surrey Sustainability & Transformation Partnership Place based plans – next steps Work to develop plans will move forward over summer 2017 East Sussex Better Together (ESBT) already well-advanced ESBT Alliance operating in shadow form to test models Before becoming accountable care system in April 2018 Plans developed locally Led by CCGs and LAs, with local involvement Place based plans feed into and shape the STP Form cornerstone, with other plans shaped around them

Sussex & East Surrey Sustainability & Transformation Partnership Commissioning reform Commissioners coming together to simplify arrangements for commissioning services jointly over larger areas Increasingly important as accountable care systems developed through place based plans Also enables CCGs to better share risks, resources and expertise CCGs would remain accountable to local community, with own governing body and board Plans being developed now, aiming for CCG Board approval in autumn 2017, and for implementation in April 2018.

Acute services strategy Sussex & East Surrey Sustainability & Transformation Partnership Acute services strategy With better community provision in place, we will need to ensure we have the right acute services for the future Collecting and validating data on capacity and demand Significant challenges if demand and length of stay continue to rise at current rate Need to assess acute avoidance of place based plans and opportunities for hospitals to work more closely together Clinicians can then develop acute services strategy with input from local communities Will take time. No decisions without public and patient involvement and formal consultation where appropriate

Sussex & East Surrey Sustainability & Transformation Partnership Improving services STP partnership taking collective action on service priorities: Urgent and emergency care Reducing demand - GP access, online and phone advice Better access to urgent care centres Faster ambulance and A&E times with prompt discharge Mental health Joined up approach to deliver 7-day services, integrated with physical health, and better mental health promotion Integrated health and care model for enduring ill health Cancer care Implementation of delivery plan with Sussex and Surrey cancer team

Sussex & East Surrey Sustainability & Transformation Partnership Enabling workstreams Working with partners to coordinate plans in three key areas: Workforce Attract, recruit and retain the right staff with the right skills Estates The right buildings and facilities in the right places Using all our property and facilities as effectively as possible Digital IT systems to support high quality, integrated care

Closing the gap in our finances Sussex & East Surrey Sustainability & Transformation Partnership Closing the gap in our finances If we do nothing, we face a £900m gap by 2020/21, and many organisations struggling to maintain financial plans We must take the opportunity of the STP to work together: Integrated community-based care Focus on supporting people to stay healthy Less - but better - use of acute hospitals Also, to be efficient as possible, for example reducing: Reliance on expensive agency staff Costs of ineffective treatments and wasted medicines Duplicated back-office costs Collaboration gives best chance of better health and better services within available resources

Balanced financial plan Sussex & East Surrey Sustainability & Transformation Partnership Balanced financial plan 2017/18 - Ambitious financial plans have been submitted but the STP has a projected adverse planning variance against control totals of £55m. Capped expenditure process - NHS England and NHS Improvement have requested a balanced plan for 2017/18 to bring spending within the STP control total. Balanced plan - Partners have been working on this jointly, looking at comparisons with national benchmarks for clinical efficiency, management costs and increasing  care provided out of hospital.    Next steps – Partners awaiting feedback from NHSE and NHSI. Should any plans involve significant service changes, they would be consulted on before decisions are made.

Clinically effective commissioning Sussex & East Surrey Sustainability & Transformation Partnership Clinically effective commissioning All CCGs working jointly to review clinical threshold policies and ensure threshold policy system is efficient and effective. Aims to deliver Sir Muir Grey’s ‘triple value’ healthcare – allocative value, technical value and personalised value Three key areas of work: Review and consolidation of policies and medicines lists Improvement to the process for threshold dependent treatments (inc. medicines) Communications and engagement Data gathered on volume of activity against each treatment/ condition ‘Immediate opportunities’ going to CCGs for approval Second and third rounds of policies to be developed through clinical workshops over the summer.

Involvement and accountability Sussex & East Surrey Sustainability & Transformation Partnership Involvement and accountability STP is a partnership and way of working No power to make decisions on behalf of partners Decision making continues to sit with individual boards This cannot change without legislation Partners continue to be responsible for involving local people Many elements of STP already shaped by local people Plans that make up STP do not currently include any proposals that would require consultation But we will be keeping staff, patients and public involved No decisions without formal consultation where appropriate