Root: Mot/Mob/Mov Meaning: Move Vocabulary Week 4 Root: Mot/Mob/Mov Meaning: Move
motion (n) The ability to move I hit the golf ball and set it into motion.
demote (v) Move down in grade, rank or status. Trix the Rabbit was demoted from company mascot when he admitted he actually liked Lucky Charms better.
motivate (v) When you motivate someone, you move them into action. Richard was motivated to lose weight when he could no longer see his toes.
mobilize (v) When you mobilize people, you move them around for a purpose. We need to mobilize our fleet of snow plows in order to clean snow off the roads.
locomotion (n) The ability to move from place to place. The invention of the steam engine helped usher in the age of locomotion.
removal (n) The act of moving something away. My brain removal went well, except I now have a killer headache.
promote (v) When you promote something, you move it to a higher grade, rank, or job. If I don’t promote Rodger from assistant to manager soon, he’s going to quit and get a better paying job elsewhere.
automobile (n) An automobile is a self-propelled passenger vehicle that moves. I wrecked my Dodge Challenger, the best automobile I ever owned. Life will never be the same.
Academic Words
Discriminate (v) If you discriminate between things, you see or perceive a difference between them and treat them differently based on the difference. Discriminate between reliable and unreliable sources.
Comprehend (v) If you comprehend something you understand it completely. When you don’t comprehend what the speaker is saying, ask questions so you can better understand.