Governing Body: School Development Plan
Vision “Image of what the school can and should become” “Collective visions grow through shared leadership” “School leaders must communicate and articulate the vision regularly and consistently” “Vision must lead to action”
Implementing the Vision Implementing the vision will take time Important to involve all those affected and consider their views Action the management will take will depend on the vision and state of the school Effects of any changes will be maintained and evaluated
The purpose of a school development plan (SDP) The SDP will set out the actions the school will take to improve learner outcomes A self-evaluation by the school will inform the SDP of the school’s with regards to data and targets
The purpose of a school development plan The school’s priorities will include addressing the national priorities of: raising the standards in literacy raising the standards in numeracy reducing the impact of poverty on educational attainment.
The purpose of a school development plan The SDP is for the whole school community. Useful for teachers as a guide and for the governing body to monitor development and challenge the school A summary should be made of the SDP for the wider school community
Who creates the SDP? Governing Body plan the SDP in accordance with The Education (SDP) (Wales) Regulations 2014 Governing Body has an input in preparing the SDP along with the Headteacher and staff which will set aims for the school to achieve next year
School development planning Four stages of the SDP: Stage 1 - Self-evaluation: Stage 2 – Strategic planning: Stage 3 – Making improvement/action: Stage 4 – Reviewing impact
Stage 1 Self-Evaluation Reflect on the school’s performance Areas of strength What needs to be improved How to make the improvements Effective use of qualitative data and quantitative data
Stage 2 Strategic Planning SDP captures the improvement priorities Starting point for challenge, support and intervention Streamline the planning process Can intertwine the SDP & PIAP – doesn’t replace the PIAP
Stage 3 Making improvement/action Clear details of responsibilities, accountability, actions and timescales Avoid confusion and limit duplication
Stage 4 Reviewing impact Regularly monitored Revisit the SDP annually or following an inspection ERW recommends it’s a standing item on the termly agenda
Roles and Responsibilities Governing body is responsible for promoting high standards Head teacher is responsible for management and control of the school Regulations place a duty upon the governing body to prepare, monitor, review and revise the SDP The governing body will be responsible for agreeing and “signing off” the SIP In practice the HT will work with staff and governors to implement actions and bring about improvement
Responsibilities of the GB Provide direction for work and improvement of school Support, monitor and evaluate the effectiveness Hold the school to account for the standards achieved
Collecting first-hand evidence Why? Governors must: monitor the implementation of the SDP evaluate its outcomes
First-hand evidence Definitions: Monitoring: checking that actions have been taken Evaluating: measuring the effect of actions on the school’s performance
School Development Plans and Estyn What do Estyn recommend ? School Development Plans : based on the outcomes of self-evaluation contribute to self-evaluation processes and further planning contain working documents to achieve the required changes clearly identify priorities, targets and timescales identify steps which will need to be taken to address issues
School Development Plans and Estyn What do Estyn recommend ? identify persons responsible and the support that will be needed specify clear outcomes related to improvement Details of how, when and by whom progress will be monitored and evaluated.
Argymhellion Estyn / Estyn Recommendations Impact on pupil ouctomes Good systems and process Monitor Target Pupil Outcomes Put in place good systems and processes (Provision) Monitor the Impact “If it doesn’t have any impact on pupils…..why do it?”
Ysgol Questions to ask of your SDP: Is your SDP referred to constantly? Is it flexible and responsive? Does it drive a manageable number of specific pupil outcome driven priorities? Is it shared with and known by everyone in the school? Does it address new legislation?
What are we aiming for? Governors who are: Active Visible Rigorous Knowledgeable Not complacent Not afraid to challenge
Useful Links Governors Wales My Local School ERW