Instructional Review and School improvement 2014-2015 Oak Park Elementary Instructional Review and School improvement 2014-2015
Instructional Review (IR) The process allows teams to collectively: Identify priorities Establish baseline data Develop targeted and manageable action plans Improve alignment of sip goal, strategies, and action steps to improve student achievement
Oak park elementary Sip goal Through collaborative planning, the quality of instruction will improve by implementing standards based instructional practices through designing lessons with the end in mind and analyzing data to inform instruction.
Data results Oak Park elementary
Instructional delivery 40 Classrooms visited INDICATOR Not Implemented Implemented, not yet embedded Fully Implemented and Embedded 1. Lesson addresses the shifts of Florida Standards (F.S.). 74% 26% 2% 2. Lesson reflects the full intent of the grade-level content Standard or parts. 24% 3% 3. Tasks are aligned to full intent of the grade level Standards 82% 15% 4. Teacher poses high quality questions and problems to promote critical thinking aligned to F.S. 81% 16% 5. Teacher checks for understanding throughout the lesson using informal, deliberate methods. 56% 34% 10% 6. When warranted, the teacher explicitly strengthens pre-requisite skills. 63% 29% 8%
student engagement 40 Classrooms visited INDICATOR Not Implemented Implemented, not yet embedded Fully Implemented and Embedded 7. Teacher orchestrates conversations and plans tasks that incorporate accountable talk to show, tell, explain and prove reasoning regarding understanding of the targeted standard. 72% 28% 0% 8. Teacher makes adjustments to instruction based on student involvement throughout the lesson. 77% 18% 5% 9. Teacher establishes a classroom culture where students are actively invested participants in their own thinking and learning. 55% 35% 10%
trends Strengths Established classroom routines Evidence of common planning “Family” culture Positive peer relationships Some techniques seen for checks for understanding
trends Opportunities SIP ACTION STEPS Align tasks to depth of standard(s) Refer to standard during instruction Increase understanding of expectation of standards Increase student-centered learning Increase student interaction with texts; align with tasks Increase complexity of student tasks Increase opportunities for student discussion & collaboration Risk take and reflect Group work: Review SIP action steps Which of the opportunities are addressed in action steps? Do other of these opportunities need to be a priority in SIP plan? What other PD may be needed?
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Teaching florida standards will take risk-taking