EnSight in Virtual and Mixed Reality Environments CEI TED Talk EnSight in Virtual and Mixed Reality Environments To view this presentation, first, turn up your volume and second, launch the self-running slide show.
VR Hardware that works with EnSight Canon MR Oculus Rift Cave Power Wall
VR Hardware on our Radar HTC Vive Microsoft HoloLens
Oculus Rift Head mounted display Covers eyes completely User sees only EnSight 3D geometry and annotations on a plane
Oculus Rift Gyroscope detects head orientation Camera mounted on monitor detects position within limited range Device started shipping in Q1/Q2 2016 EnSight 10.1.6e and 10.2 will work with the first consumer release Oculus optical tracker
Oculus Rift Minimum Hardware Requirements GeForce GTX 970 or Radeon R9 290 Quadro/Firepro not required Intel i5 4590 8Gb RAM One HDMI 1.3 port Two USB 3.0 ports, One USB 2.0 port Windows 7 SP1 or newer
Oculus Rift and EnSight Requirements Any EnSight license including ‘free’ EnSight 10.1.6e and 10.2 Supports the first Oculus release to consumers EnSight 10.1.6b Works with Dev Kit 2 and Oculus SDK vers. 64-bit Windows ensight101 –oculus
Oculus Rift – Navigation Interacting with the scene is challenging Gamepad is the best option Can use it without seeing it 6D input device announced but not released Logitech Gamepad Oculus Touch