Research Methodology for Service Sciences
Method vs Methods Combinations! Complimentary facts and Triangulations
The Research Process – Two systems with one pupose
The Funnel and the Root System
Stepwise choice of method/methods Try to be logical! Go from the general to the specific/details
Report and reality
Choice of methdology a stepwise process! Write down! Remember to explain why to analyse the results!
Quality of the study is relying on the sum of pros and cons!
Learning by reading a text book vs Learning by doing
Theory and Practice Case methodology
What do you have to know about Methodology What do you have to know about Methodology! What are the basic principles! When is it used normally! What is good about it! What is not so good! ------- Where to find out more?
Central Concepts/Methods
Deductive Studies vs Inductive Studies
Explorative Studies vs. Descriptive Studies vs. Causal Studies
Experiments vs Non-experiments (Surveys)
Laboratory vs Field experiments
Experiments vs Quasi-experiments
Observations vs Questions
Participant observation vs External observations vs Mechanical observations
Cross-sectional Studies vs Time-series Studies/Longitudinal Studies
Quantitative Studies vs Qualitative Studies
Secondary data vs Primary data
Structured studies vs Non-structured studie
Projective methods vs Open methods
Case Studies vs Statistical Studies
Depth Interviews vs Focus Group Interviews
Open Questions vs Closed Questions
Interviews vs Mail questionnaires
Direct interviews vs Telephone interviews
Descriptive statistics vs Inference/Statistical Significance
Univariate vs Bivariate vs Multivariate Statistics
In non-univariate analysis Dependence vs Interdepdendence
Nominal Scales vs Ordinal Scales vs Inteval Scales vs Quota Scales
Discussion and Conclusions! Alternative methods Choice of method(s) The actual study – practical aspects Conclusions about the method(s) Conclusions about subject matter influenced by method(s) Suggestions for future choice of method(s)