State Disaster Management Plan Tanmay Kumar, Secretary, Disaster Management & Relief, Govt. of Rajasthan 1/26/2018
The Disaster Management Act, 2005 Paradigm Shift A paradigm-shift from the earlier emphasis primarily on response and relief to a regime that focuses upon mitigation, prevention and preparedness to rehabilitation, reconstruction and recovery by providing for : Creation of a Policy, Legal & Institutional framework with effective statutory and financial support. Mainstreaming of multi sectoral DM concerns into the developmental process. A continuous and integrated process of planning, organising, coordinating & implementing policies and plans with community based participatory, inclusive and sustainable manner.
Section 23 - Provisions for State DM Plan It includes :- the vulnerability of different parts of the State to different forms of disasters; the measures to be adopted for prevention and mitigation of disasters; the manner in which the mitigation measures shall be integrated with the development plans and projects; the capacity -building and preparedness measures to be taken; the roles and responsibilities of each Department of the Government of the State in relation to the measures specified in clauses (b), (c) and (d) above; the roles and responsibilities of different Departments of the Government of the State in responding to any threatening disaster situation or disaster; The SDMP shall be reviewed and updated annually.
State DM Plan : Suggested Outline PART I - GENERAL Chapter 1 : Introduction State Profile - Social, Economic and Demographic. Vision Theme Objectives
State DM Plan : Suggested Outline Chapter 2 : Vulnerability Assessment and Risk Analysis History of vulnerability. Hazard Risk Assessment and vulnerability mapping. The probable threat and types of man made disasters. The hazard profile of the State together with maps and details of zonation. The district hazard profile in the GIS format Emerging concerns such as urbanization, climate & environment change and population explosion etc. Past Lessons and experiences.
State DM Plan : Suggested Outline Chapter 3 : Preventive Measures Man made disasters. Natural Disasters. Early warning and dissemination systems. Prevention and Mitigation Plans; short, medium and long terms with structural and non structural measures required to be taken-up Training needs analysis and development of HR plan.
State DM Plan : Suggested Outline Chapter 4 : Mainstreaming DM Concerns into developmental plans/ programmes/ projects The infrastructure created. Elements of impact assessment, risk reduction and the 'do not harm approach' to be built into developmental plan.
State DM Plan : Suggested Outline Chapter 5 : Preparedness Measures The resource availability : tools, plants & equipments and the materials available at various levels. The man power : the expertise available. The fields of community based involvement. Training, capacity building and other pro-active measures. Awareness generation : Techno-legal regime Medical Preparedness Knowledge Management Fail - Safe communication including last mile connectivity. Emergency Telephone Directory upto block level.
State DM Plan : Suggested Outline Chapter 6 : Response Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). Emergency Operation Centers. Alert Mechanism - Early Warning system. Disaster Risk Reduction Framework, Policy, Act, Road Map for hazard risk management. The yearly schedule for the conduct of mock exercises in different part at specified location. Procedure for the activation of plans - upon occurrence of any disasters.
State DM Plan : Suggested Outline Chapter 7 :Partnership with other stakeholders Convergence/ coordination with other departments/ organizations. The roles of academic institution and scientific and technical organizations Roles of NGO's/ CBO's (List of NGOs' at state & district level. Name and designation of nodal persons from early warning to recovery. Media
State DM Plan : Suggested Outline Chapter 8 : Financial Arrangements Arrangements of the funding of the components Prioritizing and Phasing of funds for specific mitigation projects for improving prevention, preparedness and mitigation in requirement of specific disaster at state and district levels.
Basic Elements of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) (For covering preparedness and response aspects of Crisis Management Plan) Command and Control Structure. Operation Planning Logistic Arrangements Finance & Administration
State DM Plan : Suggested Outline PART II - Disaster Specific Action Plan Chapter IX - Flood Chapter X - Cyclone Chapter XI - Earthquake Chapter XII - Landslides Chapter XIII - Chemical Disaster Chapter XIV - Nuclear and Radiological Disasters Chapter XV - Bilogical Disasters Chapter XVI - Oil Spills and Mine Disasters Chapter XVII - Tsunami
State DM Plan : Suggested Outline PART III - Cross Cutting Issues Chapter XVIII - Review & Updation of Plan Chapter XIX - Coordination and Implementation
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