Fiscal Year 2012 – 2013 Budget May 7th, 2012 Haywood COUNTY Fiscal Year 2012 – 2013 Budget May 7th, 2012
budget process & development Planning Process officially began in January with Mid-Year Budget Evaluation Board of Commissioners Budget Retreat in February Budget Kick-off meeting and individuals meetings with all Departments/Offices/Agencies Budget Work Session with presentations from School System and Haywood Community College
“Rising to the Challenge”
FTE Historical Comparison
Overview No new requested positions recommended All positions currently at 36 hour work week to remain as such Maintain current Operating Schedule Resignations/terminations to be evaluated for replacement of vacancy by County Manager
Overview Continuation of Christmas Bonus Continuation of 0-2% MERIT via performance appraisals No Cost of Living Adjustment Reinstatement of 401(k) Employer Contribution at 1%
Overview Recommend contracting of Inmate Healthcare Services at Detention Center Budgeted fuel at $4/gal for gasoline and $4.75/gal for diesel Budgeted computer and capital replacement equipment in department line items Capital Improvement Plan Contingency of $300K
Overview Sales Tax Revenue trending up Increased School and Community College funding by 2.55% General Fund expenditures increased by 2%
Where does the money come from?
Sales tax history & projections
Sales tax history by article
Value of one penny on tax rate
Fiscal Year 2008 - 2009 Where does the money go? Budget Presentation
FY 12-13 Dept. Budget REQUESTS
General Government: governing body, administration, elections, finance, revaluations, legal services, engineering, wellness clinic, register of deeds, and court facilities
General Government Increase state revenue for government channel operations Purchase of Tablets and Software for enhancement of Assessor ‘s Office Redaction of Social Security numbers on Register of Deeds documents Increase costs for Elections System & Software
Central Services: construction and maintenance of public buildings not related to other functions, central garage and technology systems Requested Recommend
Central Services 10% increase in Facilities & Maintenance budget to enhance facility maintenance and necessary improvements ~ $250K Justice Center Courthouse Animal Shelter Satellite Jail Waynesville Library Waynesville EMS Base HVAC equipment
Public Safety: sheriff's department, jails, emergency communications, emergency management activities, fire protection, building inspections, rescue and ambulance services, animal control, and medical examiners
Public Safety 1% Sworn Law Enforcement Officer Supplement Continuation of fleet replacement of 4 Sheriff patrol vehicles and 2 EMS ambulances Replacement of in-car patrol cameras Replacement of Detention van Purchase of required narrowband radio equipment New narrowband repeater and relocation of equipment to State VIPER building on Chambers Mtn. Purchase of bariatric transport stretcher Personal Protective Equipment for Emergency Management & Fire Marshal staff
Transportation & Environmental Protection: mass transit services & erosion control
Economic & Physical Development: planning, economic development, agriculture activities, tourism development, community development, special employment programs, extension services and soil and water conservation Requested
Economic & physical Development EDC Grant reflected in budget Projected increase in TDA revenue Community Clubs
Human Services: public health, mental health, and social services programs; veterans' service officers; County’s share of AFDC payments and Special Assistance to Adults Requested
Education: appropriations to school administrative units and to community college systems for current operations and capital outlays Requested
education 2.55% increase in funding for operating, per formula to School System Funds positions, such as teachers, assistant principals, guidance counselors, etc. Funds system wide needs, such as student supplies, coaching salaries, operation/utilities of school facilities and maintenance for school facilities 2.55% increase of operating placed in the capital budget per request of Haywood Community College
Cultural & Recreation: public library and recreation Requested
Debt Service/Transfers/Non-departmental: principal, interest and fees paid or accrued on debt, transfers to other funds, unallocated fringe benefits and contingency Requested
Historical Budget Comparison
Recommendations General Fund Budget - $66,596,839 Maintain Tax Rate at 54.13 cents (0.5413 per $100 valuation) Maintain Solid Waste Household Availability Fee at $92
“Rising to the Challenge” Guidance & Direction May 21st at 5:30 p.m. Budget Public Hearing June 4th at conclusion of regular meeting Budget Work Session June 18th at 5:30 p.m. Board of Commissioners’ Consideration for Adoption of the FY 12-13 Budget Ordinance & Budget Document “Rising to the Challenge” Each day we all face the unknowns of life, but together we will overcome the daily challenges by reaching out to help our neighbors.