TAVR Use Patterns Across the Globe Monday February 25, 2013 Time: 2:45-2:51 pm Washington, DC Nicolo Piazza MD, PhD, FRCPC, FESC German Heart Center, Munich, Cardiovascular Surgery McGill University Health Center, Montreal, Interventional Cardiology Darren Mylotte MD
Consulting: Medtronic CoreValve Nicolo Piazza, MD, PhD Consulting: Medtronic CoreValve
11-EU Countries Austria Netherlands Belgium Portugal Denmark Spain France Switzerland Germany United Kingdom Italy
TAVI implants per Annum across 11 European Nations
TAVI implants per Million
TAVI Centres in 11 European Nations
TAVI Centres per Country 53 TAVI centers/country Registry data
TAVI Centres per Million in 2011
Mean number of TAVI implants per center
Market penetration the degree to which a product is known and/or used Wikipedia No. of patients actually treated No. of treatable patients
TAVI Penetration Rates
Amount and source of healthcare spenditure GDP Amount and source of healthcare spenditure Reimbursement system
TAVI Reimbursement 14
Conclusion-1 Largest jump in TAVI numbers from 2009 to 2010 Currently performing 15 000 implants per year (EU-11) Average number of TAVI implants/center = 40 (EU-11) TAVI penetration rate 18% (EU-11)
Conclusion-2 Government health care spending and source of health funding appear to correlate with number of implants/million Variable reimbursement policies exist, specific funds for TAVI are increasing every year Penetration rates are expected to increase but all barriers need to be better investigated