Information Retrieval TI 14 D
Kelompok Nama Nim Latif Nur Hidayat 14.11.0209 Retno Dwi K.K. 14.11.0211 Aqit Malinzda 14.11.0213 Deni priyadi 14.11.0214 Nur Rahmat Dwi Riyanto 14.11.0216 Laelatul Badriyah 14.11.0217 Arif Setiawan 14.11.0218 Aditya Wahyu Kurniawan 14.11.0219
Definition Information retrieval is generally considered as a subfield of computer science that deals with the representation, storage, and access of information. Akram Roshdi and Akram Roohparvar “Review: Information Retrieval Techniques and Applications”.
Definition Information retrieval (IR) is finding material (usually documents) of an unstructured nature (usually text) that satisfies an information need from within large collections (usually stored on computers). Christopher D.Manning, at all. 2009 (lecture material Nuning Kurniasih, S.Sos., M.Hum. )
General DEScription
General Description
General Description
Subject by Houghton (1977) is the information retrieval system searches the interaction between the user and the system and the user needs statement expressed as a specific term. Storage translation Term into Indexing Language System. Rertieval analysis and search statement.
Subject Lancaster (1979) and Doyle (1975) looked at information retrieval system in the context of information transfer cycles, said that an information retrieval system is a subsystem (output stage) of the information system. Lancaster also said that the information retrieval system consists of six subsystems. 1. subsystems document 2. indexing subsystem 3. subsystem vocabulary 4. The search subsystem 5. interfaces (interfaces) user with system 6. subsystem adjustment / matching.
Subject Resources Analysis and Representation Information organized Information is Found Matching User Query Analysis Search Statement
Information Retrieval application for the Real World
Information Retrieval application for the Real World
References Resources Picture Fom Akram Roshdi dan Akram Roohparvar, September 2015, "Review: Information Retrieval Techniques and Applications".VOL. 3, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2015. Nuning Kurniasih, S.Sos., M.Hum., Januari 2014, “Konsep Dasar Information Retrieval System / Sistem Temu Kembali Informasi”. Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi: Universitas Padjadjaran. Deni Eko Pratomo, Maret 2015, “Sistem Temu Kembali Informasi”. Teknologi Informasi: Teknik Universitas Udayana. Link : informasi.html#more Mayu Krisnawan, Maret 2015, “Sistem Temu Kembali Informasi”. Teknologi Informasi: Teknik Universitas Udayana. Link : retrieval-sebuah-pengenalan/ Husni Rise Ilyas, Mei 2010, “Information Retrieval: Preprocessing dengan PHP+MySQL”. Link : phpmysql/ Delavenia Luis, 2015,“Perancangan Informasi Retrieval System Dengan Metode Extended Boolean dan Savoy”. Sistem Informasi: STMIK Time Medan.