Office of Prevention & Intervention The Student Assistance Program (SAP) Integration into MTSS
Objectives Revisit the MTSS-BHS framework for behavior Discuss the integration of the PA state mandated Student Assistance Program (SAP) into the district's Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) framework. Review the role of Counselor for MTSS and SAP To analyze the legal responsibility of school districts in Pennsylvania to implement the Student Assistance Program Review the role of a Champion and revisit the MTSS framework for behavior. Facilitators will reintroduce the PA state mandated Student Assistance Program (SAP) and its integration into the district's MTSS/RTI framework.
Purpose: SAP is… The School District of Philadelphia’s framework SAP is not a framework and it is not the district’s framework. The district framework is MTSS for student assistance programming. I would delete above and change this to -To assist schools in identifying issues including alcohol, tobacco, other drugs and mental health issues which pose a barrier to a student’s success. To help students overcome these barriers so they can stay in school and succeed The below are not purposes so should be taken out they are already said Governed by federal and state mandates A three tiered-collaborative team process This is not correct. SAP is on Tier 2 and 3. I saw Sue Yackel Friday and double checked. She said this was a very old definition. Provides progressive levels of support to students in an educational settings experiencing Drug and Alcohol, Substance Abuse and Behavioral difficulty The BHS Framework adheres to the Pennsylvania Student Assistance Program or SAP mandated team approach for addressing student related issues involving tobacco, drug, alcohol and other substances and as well as unidentified behavioral health concerns. SAP is a major component of the District's MTSS-RtI, take out RTI Behavioral Health Support framework. SAP is intertwined with the MTSS-RtII take out RTII Process. When you are meeting to discuss students for MTSS-RtII Tier 1-3 take out rtii 1-3 BHS, you are meeting the SAP mandate as well. SAP is a systemic process using techniques to mobilize school resources to remove barriers to learning. The core of the program is a professionally trained team, including school staff and liaisons from community alcohol and drug and mental health agencies.
What Is the Student Assistance Program (SAP) ?
SAP in PA Is a collaboration between: PA Department of Education (PDE) Bureau of Community and Student Services PA Department of Human Services(DHS) Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services PA Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP) These 3 entities (PDE, DHS, and DDAP) joined together to address the need for schools to support students in need. The intent is to help school personnel in identifying issues, including alcohol, tobacco, other drugs and mental health issues, which pose a barrier to a student’s success. The primary goal fro the Student Assistance Program is to help students overcome these barriers in order that they may achieve, remain in school, and advance.
Legal Foundations of SAP The Supreme Court, No Child Left Behind - Provide Appropriate Education - Provide Safe, Orderly Environment - Ensure Health, Welfare, and Safety Individuals with Disabilities Education Act - Free Appropriate Public Education in Least Restrictive Environment - Evidence of Research-Based Intervention in the General Education Setting Prior to Evaluation/Identification Act 211(1990); Chapter 12 PA School Code (2006) - K-12 Counseling, Education, and Support - K-12 Student Services Plan In addition to SAP being the right thing to do, it is the law! • There are three domains which comprise the legal foundation for SAP in the School District of Philadelphia. -Supreme court believes that as an educational entity, we hold three key responsibilities: (review) President Bush’s recent No Child Left Behind law elaborates on the Court’s edict. • In IDEA, two key concepts drive support to students with disabilities: FAPE in LRE. To ensure that students are educated in the least restrictive environment, a key component of IDEA is that all school Districts must implement a pre-referral screening process for students experiencing barriers to learning. SAP, Tiers I and II, are our pre-screening mechanism. • Act 211-This is a state law enacted in 1990 to mandate education and counseling support for students experiencing barriers to learning due to substance use. In 1989, after a rash of suicides, the general assembly expanded the mandate to include mental health education and counseling support. Though initially, the support component was provided through the Student Assistance Program at the secondary level, the state is now expanding the model k-12. With SAP we were ahead of the curve.
The SAP Process SAP serves to ensure the provision of education and counseling supports for students struggling with mental health and substance abuse Referral Team Planning Intervention Support/ Follow Up There are 4 components to the process: Refer- Plan-Intervene-Follow Up. You will see these four components form the foundation of all that we discuss during the institute. This slide is an opportunity to demonstrate the ‘simplicity’ of SAP: “It’s just these 4 things! That’s it! If you’re doing them, you’re doing SAP!” 7
Behavior Health Support Framework MTSS-Behavioral Health Supports (BHS) Behavioral Intervention Track Addresses Climate and Behavioral Issues Aligns with ‘root cause’ or unmet social/emotional need Utilizes Student Assistance Program (SAP) teaming model
Positive Reinforcement Restorative Discipline DBH Continuum of Care School-Based Behavioral Health Trauma Focused Therapy Improved Climate And Behavior Positive Impact on AG1, AG2 Wellness & Self-Regulation Social Emotional Learning Trauma Sensitivity Dropout Prevention Bullying Prevention SAP Check & Connect Check-In Check Out Social Skills Group Behavior Plans Positive Reinforcement Restorative Discipline Culturally Responsive School Wide Social Skills Instruction Classroom Management Trauma-Informed Practices Tier 1 80%, Tier 2 15% Tier 3 1-5% Bottom of triangle are tier 1 interventions Jody’s office supports and Tier 2 CICO and Classroom Management – interface with teacher coaches Importance of reaching the 80% for prevention Interventions Need to be Evidence-Based Idea here is to pick one or two things and do them well.
Student Assistance Program (SAP)/ MTSS-BHS TIER III (Intensive Intervention process) On-going inter-agency collaboration with provider agency, with parental consent. Student progress is monitored and documented . Ongoing Student Support Team Meetings. SAP TEAM aka Student Support Team SAP TEAM at School level is the educational leadership team/Student support team, that meets regularly. It is multidisciplinary. It is counselor led, as the counselor has the background and skill set Focus is on individual students and the appropriateness for Tier III (Intensive intervention), based on student response to Tier II interventions in conjunction with behavioral/mental health concerns. SAP providers are assigned to schools. Parent/legal guardian consent is needed for SAP assessment and Tier III services. Tier II Intervention Goals are Met Do not delete documented interventions Tier II Intervention Goals are Not Met: If Interventions were implemented with fidelity for a minimum of 6 to 8 weeks, and all Tier II strategies are exhausted, Student is referred to SAP/Student Support Team Meeting Here’s what it looks like in our current MTSS BHS framework. Refer participants to a handout of this slide in their folder. Focus is on functions of the SAP team as the gateway to Tier III intervention. I need to see this handout. TIER II (Strategic Interventions) Student Support Team led by counselor, develops, documents and implements evidence based tier II interventions and monitors progress TIER I (Universal Intervention) School-Wide Expectations and Interventions, led by Climate Manager and Student Support Team. Classroom-Wide Comprehensive Disciplinary and Reinforcement Strategies .
TIER I (Universal Intervention) MTSS-BHS/SAP TIER I (Universal Intervention) School-wide behavioral expectations and discipline plan - replicated across all classrooms School-Wide Reinforcement Interventions - replicated across all classrooms Supported vis Tier 1 Climate Meeting – Counselor should be included Monitored for Fidelity of Implementation and Outcomes. If not implemented with fidelity school may be over-identifying students for Tier 2 or Tier 3 intervention. TIER II (Identify and Intervene) - Counselor is Lead Use data to identify students who are not responding Define the problem and Evidence-Based group or individual intervention Implement with Fidelity Monitor Progress Document Student Met Goal Here’s what it looks like in our current MTSS BHS framework. Refer participants to a handout of this slide in their folder. Focus is on functions of the SAP team as the gateway to Tier III intervention. I need to see this handout. Student did not meet Goal Student Met Goal TIER III (BH Intensive Intervention) – Counselor is Lead Consent of legal guardian or 14 yo or older SAP or MH Assessment Ongoing counselor-provider collaboration ITM Provider assessment for higher LOC with school input Student Met Goal
Core Team Members can include: Counselors WHO IS THE LEAD FOR BEHAVIORAL AND BEHAVIORAL HEALTH CONCERNS Teachers Instructional school-based supports Non-instructional school-based supports School Psychologist School Nurse Administrator The identified student’s Parents/Guardians The identified student, as appropriate Behavioral Health partners, with permission The SAP core team can be comprised of many school academic and non-academic staff in partnership with community –based program and service providers, assembled to function as a multi- disciplinary team of professionals.
Functions for Effective SAP/Tier 2 BH Meetings Case Management: Counselor is lead: Consults to develop and document meaningful BHS plans Collaborates with the Principal to provide coaching to school staff as needed Delivers on-going professional development Consults with PI Liaison when specific implementation supports are needed The MTSS-RtII (BHS) Champion can designated by the Principal to function within the guidelines presented here, receiving assistance from the school’s network assigned Prevention and Intervention Liaison, who serve as a member of the District’s MTSS RtII Leadership team. Remove above I will be discussing in my earlier MTSS presentation about when counselors were laid off and the lead of behavioral interventions had to go to a non counseling staff. Once counselors came back some principals were keeping teachers as the MTSS champion for behavior. I asked the deputy work group to eliminate that term to avoid continuing schools keeping in the lead an MTSS champion that was the teacher. We need to say counselor is the lead. Case Managers are only in the SPED world so we need take that out
Functions for Effective SAP/Tier 2 BH Meetings Coordination: Ensures that SAP/Tier 2 meeting structure and effective team functioning Facilitates Meetings Provides meeting agendas and meeting summaries. Documents and performs state mandated reporting responsibilities. Coordinates school interagency meetings Counselor facilitates linkages for Tier III BHS services. Coordinator: SAP meeting structure and effective team functionality are maintained through the facilitation of SAP core team meetings. Provides weekly agendas and sign-in sheets and meeting summary. Support filing systems and perform state mandated core team reporting responsibilities.