BUS2206 Information Systems Management: Assignment 3 2016 Term 1
Case 7: The Very Big Bank Stress Test Read “Case 7: The Very Big Bank Stress Test” in pages 135-144 of "Problem-Solving Cases in Microsoft Access and Excel", 13th Edition, 2016 (the book is available in Lingnan library); QA76.9.D3 M662 2016 c.2 QA76.9.D3 M662 2016 c.3 Finish Assignment 1 in pages 137-142; Finish Assignment 2A in pages 142-143 (you don’t need to work on Assignment 2B and Assignment 3); Your Excel file should contain two sheets: (1) your Excel DSS model that deals with Assignment 1; (2) the Scenarios Manager summary sheet that summarizes results of 4 scenarios in Assignment 2A. Submit the Excel file on course website on Moodle.