Project Breakdowns HCDE 492/592 Winter 2014
Peer Reviews - Visions Do these through Canvas – you’ve each been randomly assigned two other projects to review Note: This is PER PERSON, not per team Please let us know if you have difficulty accessing the peer reviews Peer Reviews due by Friday, Feb. 21st
Project Breakdowns In Spring quarter, you will be required to submit 3 intermediate milestone deliverables and one final deliverable Your task for P4 is to determine what those milestones and final deliverables will be and briefly describe them (short paragraphs) You do not need to determine a schedule yet (that will be your next assignment)
Deliverable Examples: User Research Interviews Surveys Focus Groups Contextual Inquiry Secondary User Research/Literature Review Competitive Product Analysis Personas User Research Report Summarizing Findings from Above
Deliverable Examples: Ideation Set of refined sketches Scenarios Storyboards Video Scenarios Concept Mapping Idea book summarizing above
Deliverable Examples: Prototyping Lo-Fi Paper Prototype Wireframes Hi-Fi Mockups Hi-Fi Prototype Experience Prototype Functional Prototype
Deliverable Examples: Evaluation User Testing Plan Evaluation Results Summary Diary Studies Real World Deployment Heuristic Evaluation Cognitive Walkthrough Analytics of Logs/Clickthroughs Eye Tracking Study
Deliverable Examples: Implementation Demo of functional system Design Specs Working code Finalized artifact
Example: Team 5 Milestone 1: Conducted preliminary user research. Milestone 2: Finalize user research + Initial Concepts Milestone 3: Co-design sessions with street artists + User feedback and validation + Final concept Final Deliverables: Final mock ups + med-fi prototype
Example: Team 6 Milestone #1 Milestone #2 Milestone #3 Final Competitive Research: background research on similar sites currently in use Survey: gather feedback regarding wants/needs for our new site Milestone #2 Medium-fidelity prototype in Axure: prototype reflects survey feedback Survey results Milestone #3 Usability test plan: plan for testing participants on a medium-fidelity prototype Recruit and test 3 to 5 participants Final High-fidelity prototype, evaluation results
Example: Team 3 Milestone 1: Literature review and competitive analysis results and detailed spec for our app Milestone 2: User interviews, low-fidelity prototype, and usability report from user studies Milestone 3: Medium-fidelity prototype and usability report from user studies Final deliverable: Iteration on a medium-fidelity, clickable prototype for a mobile phone based on feedback from user studies
Breakdown Critiques Draft of your vision statements due in class next week You will critique two other teams’ project breakdowns in online peer reviews via Canvas