Current Genealogy Practice - Computer Tools & DNA Tests Updated 20 Nov, 2016 R.E. (Bob) Butler
Computer Tools for Genealogy Genealogy Objectives On line Services & Sources PC Programs Recommendations
Genealogy Objectives - Pedigree (Ancestor) Chart
Genealogy Objectives - Individual & Family Info
Genealogy Objectives Build Family Tree Publish Where did I come from? Who are my cousins? Legacy for your children. Publish Record your family’s accomplishments. Help other researchers. Contact Distant Relatives Shared information Travel Interest Cost
Family Tree Location - On PC or On-line ? Family Tree Location On Personal Computer On the Internet Using ---> PC Genealogy Programs On-Line Genealogy Services Features Searching Records or Other Trees From Tree & browser From Tree Hint System Possibly while on-line Yes, Even when logged off Common Ancestors from DNA Manual tree searching Part of hint system Documenting sources Manual or Web copying Attaching records more efficient Graphs and Reports Very Good Very Limited Publication Separate – When? Automatic - Incremental Contacting Distant Relatives Identify common individuals Identify and Contact Others Find & Contact you No Yes Privacy Private or Public (not living people) Backup User File Copy Automatic by Service Company Cost One Time Cdn$40 to 100 Ongoing - Cdn$10 to $25/month Access after stop paying Complete
On-Line Genealogy Services http://genealogy-search-review On-Line Genealogy Services Oct 2016
PC Genealogy Programs - Oct 2016 http://www. toptenreviews
Recommended Computer Tools & Services . Low Cost Starter – PC program, free Internet sources Never on-line: Legacy Some day on-line: Family Tree Maker or Roots Magic Mid Cost Starter – Ancestry, no PC Program Local Ancestry Subscription & Free Internet Most Capable – Both PC & Ancestry - Synchronized Family Tree Maker or Roots Magic & Ancestry World Wide Subscription, & Free Internet. (Roots Magic only if synchronizing with Ancestry)
DNA Tests for Genealogy - now routine DNA Basics DNA Ancestor Chart 3 Types of DNA Tests Autosomal DNA Tests Personal Experience
Human Cell DNA Nuclear and Mitochondrial
Chomosomes and Base Pairs Double Helix with Bases A,T,C,G
Chromosomes, Base Pairs, Genes & SNPs
Sample Raw DNA Data 960,000 rows of data = 0.31 % of genome # This data file generated by 23andMe at: Sat Jun 29 13:46:20 2013 # Each line corresponds to a single SNP. For each SNP, we provide its identifier # (an rsid or an internal id), its location on the reference human genome, and the # genotype call oriented with respect to the plus strand on the human reference sequence. # # rsid chromosome position genotype rs4477212 1 82154 AA rs3094315 1 752566 AG rs3131972 1 752721 AG Rs12124819 1 776546 AG Rs11240777 1 798959 AG rs6681049 1 800007 CC rs4970383 1 838555 AC …. Total of 960,000 rows of data !
DNA Ancestor Chart
3 Types of DNA Tests Y Chromosome Test Mitochondrial DNA Test Men from fathers - Single Name Studies Most extensive test - perfect match - kinship 5 generations or more Mitochondrial DNA Test Everyone from mothers - Maternal Groups Most extensive test - perfect match – kinship 22 generations or more Autosomal DNA Test – All chromosomes Everyone from all ancestors - Kinship 1 to 5 generations Possible to identify common ancestors in family tree
Autosomal Ethnicity Report - 23andMe
Autosomal DNA Match - FamilyTreeDNA
Autosomal DNA % Match vs Kinship Relationship Average Common Gens Match Ancestors Back to Ancestor DNA % DNA cM Possible (centiMorgans) Birth Year Parent 50 3400 Sibling Parents 1 1940 Nephew or Niece 25 1700 Parents/Grandparents 1.5 Uncle or Aunt First Cousin 12.5 850 Grandparents 2 1910 First Cousin once removed 6.25 425 2.5 Second Cousin 3.13 213 Great Grandparents 3 1880 Second Cousin once removed 1.56 106 3.5 Third Cousin 0.78 53 GG Grandparents 4 1850 Third Cousin once removed 0.39 27 4.5 Fourth Cousin 0.19 13 GGG Grands 5 1820 Fourth Cousin once removed 0.1 7 5.5 Fifith Cousin unreliable GGGG Grandparents 6 1790
Autosomal DNA Testing Companies http://isogg Autosomal DNA Testing Companies Aug 2016 Company 23andMe FamilyTree DNA AncestryDNA Genealogy Functions Yes Health SNPs ? Health Reports 111 Canada, 60 US No Cost CDN$199, US$199 US$ 99 CDN$149,US$ 99 People in data base 1.2 million about 250,000 2 million GEDmatch – can look for matches from all 3 MyHeritage – offering tests as of Nov, 2016/
Genetic Discrimination Risk Proposed Canadian Federal Act S-201 Genetic Non-Discrimination Act Prohibits any person from requiring an individual to undergo a genetic test or disclose the results of a genetic test as a condition of providing goods or services to, or entering into a contract with, the individual. Opposed by Insurance Companies Insurers should know what clients know Constitutional Problem Health matters are provincial
DNA Testing Experience 1 23&Me Good health reports Lots of matches Majority of matches anonymous or unresponsive. After 3 years, identified 1 set of common ancestors Not tested DNA data upload to MyHeritage GEDmatch First 50 matches: 33 from Ancestry, 9 from 23&Me, 8 Family Tree DNA Direct emails, majority responsive After 1 month, identified 3 sets of common ancestors
DNA Testing Experience 2 Ancestry Automatically compare family trees of matches Hint system includes common ancestors After 1 month, identified 11 sets of common ancestors after 4 months, 16 sets Family Tree DNA Uploaded raw DNA data from another test - fee to view matches. Family Finder matches =Autosomal matches Match assessment can include Autosomal, Y & mt DNA Common Ancestor Identification: better than 23&Me, not as good as Ancestry
DNA Testing Experience 3
Presentation Summary Genealogy Objectives On line Services & Sources Public or Private, Internet or PC On line Services & Sources Full Service or Low Cost PC Programs Synchronized with On-Line Services DNA Tests for Genealogy Autosomal tests to search for common ancestors Health (23&Me), Ancestor Hints (Ancestry), DNA Analysis (FT DNA) New offering from MyHeritage under review.