Exam 2 Review – Chapters 4 and 5 MEDI 90 – Fall 2016 Exam 2 Review – Chapters 4 and 5
Phren/o means pharynx, throat nose lung diaphragm
Strained, high-pitches sound heard on inspiration caused by obstruction in the pharynx or larynx A. crackles B. rhonchi C. stridor D. wheezes
Accumulation of fluid in the pleural space A. pulmonary abscess B. pleurisy C. pleural effusion D. pneumothorax
A lobectomy is a procedure that removes a portion of the: A. larynx B. diaphragm C. lung D. nose
Refers to a collapsed lung A. acidosis B. atelectasis C. epistaxis D. influenza
The process of blood cells clumping together is A. anticoagulation B. agglutination C. hematoma D. hematopoiesis
A soft blowing sound caused by turbulent blood flow is a A. crackle B. wheeze C. bruit D. murmor
Malignant tumor of lymphoid tissue in the spleen and lymph nodes Hodgkin disease Multiple myeloma Thymoma Allergy
Blood test that measures protein released into the blood by damaged heart muscle A. CBC B. ELISA C. Troponin D. Vaccine
Pressure on the heart caused by fluid in the pericardial space cardiac arrest cardiac tamponade infarction embolus
Arteries and veins are anastomosed to coronary arteries to detour around blockages CABG PCI AED CHF
Thin, flexible tube is guided into the heart via a vein or artery cardiac catheterization electrocardiography holter monitoring stress test
A. Integumentary system B. Respiratory system C. Cardiovascular system Draining excess interstitial fluid from tissue spaces and returning it to circulating blood is a function of the A. Integumentary system B. Respiratory system C. Cardiovascular system D. Lymphatic system.