Perception is not always reality… Illusions and misconceptions An Introduction to the scientific method TEK: Know that science has limitations. Distinguish difference between a theory and a hypothesis.
Illusions in Nature Illusions abound in nature, and science can effectively reveal them if proper scientific steps are taken.
Problem 1 There is a cabin on the side of a mountain. Three people are inside and they are dead. How did they die?
Answer 1 They died in an airplane crash.
False Assumption The False Assumption: the cabin is a log cabin. Actually, it is the cabin of a 747 jetliner. The dead are the pilot, co-pilot, and navigator.They crashed during a snow storm.
Problem 2 It is hot August afternoon. The location is the living room in an old Victorian mansion. The 7-foot window is open and the curtains are blowing in the breeze generated by the thunderstorm that just passed. On the floor lie the bodies of Bill and Monica. They are surrounded by puddles of water and broken glass. Please close your eyes and picture the scene. Now change the picture. Neither Bill nor Monica has any clothing on. How did they die?
Answer 2 The wind blew open the windows, knocking over the fish bowl in which Bill and Monica had been swimming. The fish bowl crashed to the floor and broke, leaving Bill and Monica to suffocate without their water.
False Assumption that Bill and Monica were human. They were actually two goldfish.
Natural Illusions The following are illusions that have caused humans to come to the wrong conclusion. Science helps to sort out these false assumptions.
Natural Illusion 1 The sun moves across the sky from East to West every day. Illusion: the sun is moving, not us.
Natural Illusion 2 The Earth is flat. It looks flat doesn’t it?
Natural Illusion 3 The Earth does not move. We now know it spins at about 1000mph at the equator, races around the sun once a year (at over 66,700 mph), travels around our galactic center, AND is coursing through space with our galaxy.)
The Uncertainty Principle Scientific knowledge is inherently uncertain. What we know in science is only with a relative level of confidence - a particular degree of probability. Many ideas (understandings) in science have been extensively tested and found to be highly reliable, as close to a fact as an idea can be. This is what a theory is. For example: We know the Earth is a globe. Even after extensive visual observations and measurements it will never be a proven FACT that the Earth is a globe, it will always be a THEORY.
Theory Vs. Hypothesis Theory – An explanation of observations or events based on a proven hypothesis and verified. Examples: Earth Globe Theory, The Theory of Evolution Hypothesis – A possible explanation of observations or events that can be scientifically tested. For example: If red and yellow are mixed together then the resulting color will be pink.