The Byzantine Empire 400-1453AD
Overview Only survivor of Classical Age Empire lasted 1100 years Built huge structures still used today Constantinople still major city today Istanbul Developed Orthodox Church
Early Byzantium Old Greek Colony Made Roman capital by Constantine (330AD) Later named after him Originally part of Rome, grew independent
Rise to Power Split with Rome in 375 Weakened Western Roman Empire Controlled grain production and trade routes Greek official language
Government Hereditary Monarchy Emperor supreme authority Head of the Church Government produced strong military, distributed land, held wealthy accountable Empire divided into military districts (Themes) Generals appointed by Emperor
Justinian I Considered greatest Emperor Married prostitute Tried to reconquer Rome failed Established Justinian’s Code Formed from Roman ideals Led Byzantine Empire to world power
Economy and Culture Located on Mediterranean Sea Major trade route Smuggled Silk Worms from China Growth of Byzantine Silk Industry Constantinople major trade center Glassware, silver, jewelry, gold produced
Economy and Culture Greek common language Orthodox Church official religion Split with Roman Church in 1054 Icons Emperor head of Church appointed Patriarch