Safeguarding and Child Protection
ALNS Safeguarding principles Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility A child centred approach
Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility By everyone we mean everyone! Anyone can and should make a referral if they have concerns about a child's safety
A child centred approach Vigilance Understanding and action Stability Respect Information and Engagement Explanation Support Advocacy
Keeping children safe at ALNS Read and understand guidance material provided to include: * ALNS Safeguarding A Guide Booklet * ALNS Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy * Keeping children safe DFE information for all staff Complete HAYES on-line training by September 2015
What should it look like? Children are safe and feel safe Clear procedures for staff and others working in the school Children can identify a trusted adult Written records are kept securely and are up to date Safeguarding concerns are shared immediately Children are supported protected and kept informed about actions A written plan in place with clear agreed procedures Missing children located Kept safe from Bullying
What should it look like? Adults understand the risk posed by the internet Risk assessments completed when necessary Children feel secure and have a positive experience from staff. Positive behaviour is constantly promoted Training arrangements are clear and effective Physical environment is safe Copies of procedures available and understood