NCCS-GuideStar NASCOnet E-Filing Update May 3, 2006
State Charity Registration 212,000 registrations/renewals Includes multiple registrations by same charities 16% of returns are from multi-state filers Only 4 states with registration/renewal requirements do NOT use the 990 84% of state registrations and renewals are in states that REQUIRE or ACCEPT the Form 990 Growth in public charities filing 990 or EZs averaging nearly 5% per year OLD TEXT: State officials estimate that approximately 10% of forms are from 1st time registrants Thirty-four states accept the URS but 15 of them have supplemental forms Twenty states required audited financial statements
IRS E-filing Is Here Now Mandatory at federal level for “large” charities this year ($100 m. assets)* -- 3,000 organizations affected Mandatory at federal level for charities next year with $10+ m. assets*, private foundations* -- 7,000+ organizations affected IRS has created Fed-State Retrieval System for use by states More software providers each year (7 including CCH & Lacerte (an Intuit subsidiary) Nearly SEVEN THOUSAND 990s, EZ’s, and extensions received last year. 2,227 returns filed to date this year. * Mandatory for organizations must complete 250 “returns”: W-2s + 1099s + 941s + 990s
Nonprofit E-Filing Chronology July 1999 – NCCS began e-filing pilot project with IRS & states Feb. 2004 – IRS goes live with e-filing 990s; NCCS launches 990-EZ Online July 2004 – NASCOnet XML SuperSchema Project launched with GuideStar Feb. 2005 – NCCS launches 990 Online Jan. 2006 – IRS requires largest orgs to e-file, implements Fed-State Retrieval System
Current Status New NCCS 990 Online infrastructure supports multiple states, state-only filings, Fed-State Retrieval System & more NASCOnet Fed-State Backend System for State Charity Offices Completed web services system for receipt of 990s & state forms Completed system for sending receipts & acknowledgements Next steps: complete testing, complete PDF & database generation We have completed work on Penn., New York, & Mississippi systems; Colorado nearing completion Ready to proceed adding states at a much faster pace!
Streamlining the Process of Adding More States Create NASCOnet XML schema (if not already done) (12-24 hours) Create XML to generate web pages for state forms (50 hours) Create PDF versions of state forms and XML-to-PDF crosswalk so printed forms can be created (10-20 hours) Work with state to define payment options, “business rules” for acceptance & rejection of forms, transmission methods & integration with existing state systems Install NASCOnet Fed-State backend If needed, customize system for integrating e-filed data into existing state database
Alternative Futures More paper – ½ of state charity offices’ budgets spent on processing paper State-specific imaging & registration systems Our preference: Take advantage of IRS Fed-State Retrieval System, NASCOnet XML Schema & Backend to build a system that meets federal and multiple state needs Easier for regulators, easier for charities to comply, better data 32 states require 990 data as well as state forms Immediate quality improvement Data in electronic format, ready for use
About GuideStar Founded in 1984 More than 20,000 visitors each day to website “Backbone” of a more efficient sector
About NCCS National Center for Charitable Statistics at the Urban Institute Improving nonprofit data and data standards since 1980s From Form 990 content & instructions to programming for states to use Fed-state retrieval system
How Information Flows in IRS Fed-State System Charity or Tax Preparer Using commercial tax prep software (CCH, Intuit, etc.) or NCCS Online tax prep. systems IRS Fed-State Retrieval XML (commercial) XML & PDF & some State Forms (NCCS) State Charity Office 1. Standard XML 2. Standard Access/SQL Server tables 3. State custom registration mgt database NCCS State forms XML & PDF forms
How Information Flows within the State Charity Office NASCOnet Back-End 1. Receives standard XML 990 data from IRS 2. Converts to standard Access/SQL Server tables 3. Manage & send receipt & acknowledgement messages back through IRS to preparers Customization (Optional) 1. . Convert either XML or standard database to SCO database Add log entries Add or update annual data Update (or add if accepting NEW registrations) Current Charity Office Registration Database 1. Entity data (org. name, address, etc.) 2. Annual data (financial, fundraising, etc.) 3. Transaction logs (payments due & received, correspondence, etc.) Standard 990 Database Use any of 1500+ fields in database to identify missing registrants, professional fundraising activities, etc.
990 Online: A “TurboTax” for Nonprofits Web-based system for preparing Form 990 and e-filing with IRS More than 10,000 returns created, 4,000 transmitted – nearly 1/3rd of IRS 990, EZ & extension forms Free and easy to use Drop-down menus, calendars for selecting items & dates Program takes care of all arithmetic Verifies that all required items are included Context-sensitive links to IRS help and expert tips No duplication of entries: Questions are asked only once ADDITIONAL CONTENT: Generates an Adobe PDF for easy printing, saving Electronically file with the IRS Secure Import common schedules from Excel Data in usable format Saves data from year-to-year
990s, EZs, Extensions… Import Information from Last Year’s Return
Does All Arithmetic, Ensures Completeness
Print, E-File, or Both
990 Online & State Systems Fully integrates with state forms State forms populated from 990 data States can choose to receive: 990s only “Linked” 990s & state forms State forms only If a state is willing, it can permit e-filed state forms only…and our system does NOT require the charity to create the 990.
State Registration Online Capabilities
Sample Mississippi Page
Sample New York Pages
Sample New York Page with Context-Specific Help
Sample Pennsylvania Page
Sample Colorado Page
NASCOnet Fed-State Backend System Designed to meet state needs for using data Database of all Form 990 data Select based on criteria determined by state Display and print pdf of form Accept data from NCCS AND any other transmitter (CCH, Intuit, etc.)
NASCOnet Fed-State Backend System
Filter Returns
Display Returns
Display or Print Adobe PDF
Attachments -- View, Print, Analyze (Info in Database)
Professional Fundraiser Registration: Pennsylvania & Hawaii
NCCS Policy Work Work with IRS to enforce existing requirements for e-filing and eliminate 250 return threshold Work with the IRS and states to add key items on Form 990 to make it sufficient for state charitable renewals Work with states to create a lean Uniform Charity Registration Renewal Form
State Approaches to E-filing CO – Mandatory e-filing MI – One year created e-filing system for corporate returns; the next year, required e-filing MI corporate returns represent 25% of those e-filed with IRS
Fed-State Retrieval System Similar to individual tax return system – state IT and dept of revenue already use Provides data for pickup – then states have minimal programming to incorporate into their individual database systems
New Developments Provides assistance for preparer, like 990 Online
The Future NCCS working on development of web-based Form 1023 – application for tax-exempt status – for IRS Electronic submission from the beginning -- Form 1023, Form 990, and Request for Extension Same forms for state and federal use – easy for charity, easy for regulation Access to greatly improved usable data on sector
More on E-filing & Form 990 Check out 990 Online at Sign up now for the NASCOnet Backend System Sign up for us to help you build a state e-filing system