Partnership & Communication Report University Involvement Communication Coordinators Dave Weaving
University Involvement 3 Very Successful Programs in three of our districts Many students involved for more than one year Retired volunteers love having the students involved Primer for getting involved is on the NY3 Website At your request, the PCS/PVS will get personally involved with colleges in your area: Contacting/visiting the school Providing testimonials from other colleges/universities Note: YouTube video of the Plattsburg program viewable at:
Communication Coordinator Position This a defined Tax-Aide Position Full Position Description is in One Support General Responsibilities: Develops a plan for communicating the ‘volunteer opportunities’ message to prospective volunteers Develops a plan for client outreach – communicating the free tax preparation service to potential clients Works, often with the help of others, to implement these plans Resources are available to help with these tasks: NY3 PCS; NY3 Web Site Extensive information/materials on OneSupport Previous plans executed by the district & by other districts
How are we doing in NY3? Six of our 12 Districts have Communications Coordinators 4 of these CCs are also Tax Counselors; 2 are not TCs Goal: 10 of 12 districts to have communication coordinators by this time next year District DC CC 1 Enid Tanenhaus 2 Kay Curry Judith Heintz 3 Jerry Sealey Maryrose Walsh 4 Barbara Kaiser Linda Eddy 5 Sheryl Campbell 6 Reimund Manneck Gail Carrol 7 Robert Parsons 8 John Murphy Dave Weaving 9 Rich Dooley 10 Joe Ciccarino Donna Turnbull 11 Joeseph Stewart 12 Earl Deckman (A)
How Do I Find a Communications Coordinator? Look over your current set of TCs and CFs Is there someone who has been particularly helpful in recruiting volunteers and getting the message out to potential clients You can ask them if they’d like to be the District CC; or If you feel they might be reluctant, ease them into the role by just first asking them to work together with you as you handle the communications job Recruit a new volunteer Remember: this is a job that can be done by someone who has no interest in doing taxes As you go through your recruiting season, you should be recruiting for all of your volunteer roles: TC, CF, IT, Administrative support, Communications support Is there a spouse of a Tax Counselor (or a friend) who has good communication skills and an interest in the program – poll your current volunteers to see if they know of someone
Communication Coordinator - Other Notes This job does not have to be done by one person Might be a small team Could be one person for communication to prospective volunteers and a different person for client outreach The NY3 PCS (Partnership & Communication Specialist) can work directly with these CC’s to focus on communication The DCs won’t be out of the loop – they’ll just have less on their plate!