Global referral program (GRP) Dynamic Global fundraising platform overview The GRp is simply a dynamic fundraising platform – a concept wherein referrers across the globe with ties to United States taxpayers refers them (US Taxpayers) to our firm for preparation of their federal and states tax return in return for contribution in the form of referral fees, bonuses and residuals (if the taxpayer referred accepted the referral and continue to be actively loyal to our firm). referrers can be anywhere in the world to make referrals by simply filling up and submitting the referral form on our website: email is automatically generated and sent to the U. S. taxpayer referred, inviting them to accept the referral. 2. Upon receiving the referral email, u. s. taxpayers is directed to accept the referral by filling and submitting the commitment form on our website. another email is generated and sent to referrer, notifying them that the U. S. Taxpayer referred has accepted their referral. (cont.)
Global referral program (GRP) Dynamic Global fundraising platform overview (cont.) 3. Our firm CONTRACTS one of TWO TYPES OF representatives for each country in the world with exception of the United States: b2b partners and Individual partners. Our partners helps disseminate information about the program as a fundraiser in their respective countries as well as to assist referrers with the process of referring when the need arises. 4. Our firm, licenses and practiced in all 50 states, performs the required tax returns services for the u. s. taxpayer referred upon their acceptance and commitment and then pay referrers and our partners wherever in the world they live or where they want payment remitted. 5. Simultaneously, We pay our partners for all of the referrals emanating from their respective countries. .
Global referral program (GRP) Dynamic Global fundraising platform Referrers There are two types of Referrers: independent referrer and regular referrer. independent referrers are people or groups outside of the united states who can refer u.s. taxpayers to our firm without any help from country representatives. They are well informed about the GRP and are able to navigate through the process from reaching their u. s. ties (relatives) to using the appropriate forms on out website to refer them and to have them accept and commit to referrals.
Global referral program (GRP) Dynamic Global fundraising platform Referrers (cont.) 2. Regular referrers:- These are people or groups who engaged or rely on country representatives for help to navigate through the process. 3. Generally, referrers do not need any contract or authority from our firm or from our partners to make referrals. (cont.)
Global referral program (GRP) Dynamic Global fundraising platform Referrers (cont.) Anyone knowing someone who happens to be a u. s. taxpayer is qualify to refer them to our firm, no matter where in the world the referrer lives. 5. Country representatives represent our firm in executing the global referral program around the world. Country reps are paid for all referrals from their country whether they executed them or not.
Global referral program (GRP) Dynamic Global fundraising platform How referrers make referrals Making referrals: All referrals are made using the electronic ‘referral form’ on our firm’s website. Once the referrer filled in the form and submits it, an email is automatically generated and send to the u. s. taxpayer being referred. The email will notify the U. S. taxpayer about the referral and invite them to visit our firm’s website to accept and commit to the referral if he / she decides to honor it. If the U. s. taxpayer will do nothing if they don’t want to accept and commit to referrer’s invitation.
Global referral program (GRP) Dynamic Global fundraising platform How u. s. taxpayers accept referrals Accepting referrals: After receiving referral invitation email and the u. s. taxpayer decides to honor the invitation, he or she will have to follow the instruction in the email to visit the firm’s website and accept the referral by filling the ‘acceptance and commitment form’. once a taxpayer filled in and submitted the form to our firm, an email is automatically generated and send to referrer, notifying him / her that their referral is accepted. (below is link to acceptance form). (cont.)
Global referral program (GRP) Dynamic Global fundraising platform Individual partnership ips Terms and Conditions Country representatives are contracted by our firm to represent us in their assigned countries to execute the Global Referral program as a fund raising platform. Their responsivities are to disseminate information about the GRP in their communities and to assist regular referrers where necessary. 3. There is only one country reprehensive to a country and their term is for a year but subject to renewal. (cont.)
Global referral program (GRP) Dynamic Global fundraising platform Individual partnership ips (cont.) Terms and Conditions 4. Their contract is subject to cancellation or relinquished at end of a tax season if they fall short of the require minimum quota of 50 active referrals. 5. Each country must meet a quota of 50 active referrals for the year. (cont.)
Global referral program (GRP) Dynamic Global fundraising platform Individual partnership (ip) (cont.) Terms and Conditions 7. In return for these services, country representatives are paid referral fees and bonuses according to program compensation plan for all qualified referrals emanating from their assigned countries whether or not they initiated or processed the referrals. In other words, even if they did not involve with referrals, they get paid for all qualified referrals from their assigned countries.
Global referral program (GRP) Dynamic Global fundraising platform Fundraisers and fundraising 1. Religious groups, non-profit organizations and special causes are allowed to use the GRP as a fundraising platform. Their members or sponsors can make referral through them or for them and as the referrer earned $25.00 per each referral, our firm will match the same amount as contribution to the group. 2. If the u. s. taxpayer referred remain active and loyal to our firm in succeeding tax seasons, the group will continue to get the equivalent contribution from our firm until the taxpayer ceased to use our services.
Global referral program (GRP) Dynamic Global fundraising platform Contributions and pay plan 1. We pay referrals and make contributions at the end of the tax season on or before April 30th . All payments are in accordance with our compensation and pay plan as shown on our website. 2. We make payment through out country representatives to whom funds are remitted for onward distribution to referrers and to all groups concerned.
Global referral program (GRP) Dynamic Global fundraising platform Compensation plan (cont.) 3. Both Referrers and country representative are entitled to bonuses. Referrers bonuses are based on a batch system from 4-12 referrals equivalent to $150.00 bonus per batch. 4. Country representatives’ bonuses are unlimited. They run from: 100 referrals = $250.00 bonus - 100000 referrers = $250,000.00 bonus 5. Referrers and groups raising funds are entitled to residual fee or compensations while country representative are not. Residuals are 50% less than the original referral fees or contribution. As long as the U. s. taxpayer remain loyal and active, our firm will continue to make the residual payment.
Global referral program (GRP) Dynamic Global fundraising platform Summary The global referral program is truly a dynamic fundraising platform for individuals, religious groups and non-profit organizations interested in raising funds for causes or making some extra money. Interestingly, all that is required is to refer people who are united states taxpayers (of which there are approximately a hundred million of them) to our firm for tax preparation services, etc. Our firm will match Referrer’ fees to as contribution to groups. Referrers and country representatives are entitled to bonus while groups are not. However, groups and referrers are entitled to residuals while country representatives are not. (cont.)
Global referral program (GRP) Dynamic Global fundraising platform Summary (cont.) As referrers earn money for referring their u. s. ties, so are Our Country representatives who also makes money on each of the first time referrals whether or not they actively involved or facilitated the process.
Global referral program (GRP) Dynamic Global fundraising platform United states’ referrals Here in the U. s. referrers earns $25.00 per referral and their designated group equally gets a contribution of $25.00 plus residual contributions if the taxpayer originally referred continue to be loyal to our firm. A group’s telephone number is used as its identity number so it is easy at all times to assign, allocate or give credit to the right group at all times.
Global referral program (GRP) Dynamic Global fundraising platform Summary At the end of 2016 tax filing season, which ends in April 2017, special bonuses shall be awarded to the three leading country representatives who exceeded the minimum quota of 50 referrals this tax season. Country representatives’ special bonus will be: First Place $500.00; Second Place $250.00 and Third Place $125.00. Special bonus for The 3 leading referrers worldwide are: $300.00 first place, $200.00 second place and $100.00 third place This Special Bonus tradition will increase as it continue into next tax year!
Action Needed We welcome your partnership in this win-win fundraising platform Global Referral program Act now Referral has never been revolutionized on a global bases Allowing you to raise fund for your causes no matter where in the world you live.