Maynooth Centre for European and Eurasian Studies Seminar Series 2016-2017 23rd February (18.00-19.00 Iontas Seminar Room) Dr. Alistair Malcolm (University of Limerick) “From Westphalia to the Pyrenees (1648-59): Spanish government by Minister-Favourite and the relentless pursuit of war” (Co-hosted with MU Dept. of History) 29th March (15.00-16.30, Staff Development Seminar Room, Top Floor, John Hume Building) Dunja Apostolov-Dimitrijevic (Carleton University) “Mapping the Global Balkans: Emerging Economy Networks and EU Integration in Serbia” Respondent: Prof. John O’Brennan (Maynooth University) 30th March (09.30-13.00, Iontas Building, venue TBA) Opening of Maynooth University Social Sciences Institute (MUSSI) by Richard Bruton TD, Minister for Education “Societal Challenges in Ireland: the next decade” Speakers include: Dr. Mary Murphy (Social Inequalities), Dr. Fergus Ryan (Family Law), Prof Sinéad McGilloway (Mental Health), Prof John O'Brennan (Brexit), Prof Maurice Devlin (Children and Young People), Prof Mary Gilmartin (Migration), Dr. Delma Byrne (Education), Dr. Mark Maguire (Security and Borders) and MUSSI staff 4th April (15.00-16.30, CB5, Callan Building) “Brexit and the Island of Ireland: challenges and opportunities” Dara Murphy TD, Minister for European Affairs Dr. Etain Tannam (Trinity College Dublin)
Maynooth Centre for European and Eurasian Studies Seminar Series 2016-2017 11th April (09.00-16.00, Renehan Hall, South Campus) “The Eurovision Song Contest in a Changing World: Culture, Geography and Politics” A one day conference co-hosted with the MU Department of Geography 24th April (10.00-11.30, Iontas, MUSSI Seminar Room 2.31) Prof. Gerard Toal (Virginia Tech University) ‘Near Abroad: Putin, the West and the Contest over Ukraine and the Caucuses” Event hosted with the MU Department of Geography 25th April (16.00-17.30, Iontas Building, MUSSI Seminar Room 2.31) Mary Fitzgerald (Freelance Journalist) “France in Crisis: can the centre hold?” June 17th – July 1st “Inaugural Jean Monnet Summer School on “EU External Relations in a Time of Crisis” (A joint project with the MU Department of Law) 2