Archives and Records Professionals for Research Data Interest Group Plenary 9 6 April 2017, Barcelona
Welcome and Introductions Planning joint sessions Agenda Welcome and Introductions Planning joint sessions Presentations for feedback (40 mins) Digital preservation: what challenges do organisations face in addressing digital preservation? Define the purpose and goals to be achieved, and look to assign roles and action points to group members. (40m) Wrap up and close 2
URL for collaborative note taking: Agenda URL for collaborative note taking: 3
Welcome Welcome to the Archives and Records Professionals for Research Data Interest Group 4
Future joint sessions Which groups should the Archives and Records Professionals IG aim to collaborate with? Points of contact? 5
Projects for feedback Malcolm Wolski: Unlocking the Australian Archives: The Prosecution Project 6
Kevin Long: Copyright for HSS data collections Projects for feedback Kevin Long: Copyright for HSS data collections 7
Digital Humanities Data and Copyright Restrictions
Digital Repository of Ireland National Trusted Digital Repository Brings together historical and contemporary data from Irish Institutions Provides a central internet access point National e-infrastructure for education and research in the humanities – for use by scholars, students and the public
University College Cork National Library of Ireland Members University College Cork National Library of Ireland National Archives of Ireland National Museum of Wales Transport Infrastructure Ireland Health Service Executive Department of Arts, Heritage and Gaeltacht
What type of data and metadata do we hold: Interviews High resolution digital images Archaeological surveys Digitised correspondence Historical/State records (national archives) Metadata standards: Dublin Core MODS MARCXML EAD
Guilty until proven innocent Resources required Tested? Orphan Works Guilty until proven innocent Resources required Tested? Scope – visual works fall outside of scope
Elise Dunham: Archiving the legacy of RDA Projects for feedback Elise Dunham: Archiving the legacy of RDA 18
Sarah Ramdeen: Progressing the appraisal task Projects for feedback Sarah Ramdeen: Progressing the appraisal task 19
Group task: digital preservation for research data What challenges are associated with the digital preservation of research data? What can the group achieve to address this? How do we plan this task? Assigning roles 20
Archives and Records IG page: Wrap up and close Archives and Records IG page: Contact: Rebecca Grant: / @beck.grant Elise Dunham: @elisedunham Sarah Ramdeen: Laura Molloy: 21