EIFL-FOSS Activities in Azerbaijan Tatyana Zaytseva March 6, 2014 Baku Higher Oil School Head of Library
Outline of Presentation Introducing EIFL-FOSS Program and Activities EIFL-FOSS Development in Azerbaijan
EIFL-FOSS Program Goals: Promote the use of FOSS in libraries in developing & transitional countries and engage with FOSS development and support communities Support free and open source software which enables libraries to maximize access to knowledge Raise awareness and understanding of FOSS use in libraries
EIFL-FOSS: Free and Open Source Software Freedom to run the program for any purpose Freedom to study how the program works and adapt it to your needs Freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor Freedom to improve the program and release your improvement to the public *** Randy Metcalfe .”Open Source, the ILS, and the opportunity to engagement” http://www.slideshare.net/kramsey/open-source-the-ils-and-the-opportunity-of- engagement-presentation-833003
FOSS Tools Digital Repositories: Blacklight, DSpace, Eprints, Fedora, Greenstone, Invenio, Islandora, etc. ILS : ABCD, Koha, Evergreen, NewGenLib, OpenBiblio, ELibrary OPALS Electronic Resourse Management: Calibre, SMDB, ERMes, E _Matrix, ReSearcher, etc. Content Management System: Open Monograph Press, Piwiki, Vireo, Open Room, LibrarianDB, MediaWiki, Drupal, etc. eLearning: (Virtual Leaning Environment): Moodle Education Roaming: Eduroam Journal Publishing: OJS (Open Journal Systems) Authentication and Authorization System: Shibboleth Subject Page : LIbData, SubjectsPlus Discovery Interface: Zebra, Wikicat, Virtual library for Moodle, SimpleServer, OpenBib, Shelflife, etc. Bibliography:TextCite, RefDB ,Refbase, Bibwiki, BibCiter, Zotero, etc. Blacklight это единое решение для библиотек, которые могут работать на едином репозитории, через несколько источников в одном учреждении, или через много институциональных репозиториев. CUFTS/GODOThis open source serials management system and link resolver has been widely adopted by academic institutions to help them manage collections effectively and to facilitate access to resources Frontline SMS is a FOSS tool that helps turn a laptop and mobile phone into a communications hub Invenio is a free software suite enabling you to run your own digital library or document repository on the web. The technology offered by the software covers all aspects of digital library management from document ingestion through classification, indexing, and curation to dissemination. Islandora combines the Drupal and Fedora open software applications to create a robust digital asset management system CDS/ISIS software for creating, updating and searching textual databases NewGenLib (NGL) is a fully functional web-based open source library management system OpenBiblio is an integrated library management system Open Harvester Systems is a free metadata indexing system Open Journal Systems (OJS) is software for the management of peer-review journals Open Monograph Press is an open source software platform from PKP for managing the editorial workflow required to process monographs reSearcher is an integrated suite of open source products for locating and managing electronic information resources, Shibboleth is an architecture and implementation for federated identity-based authentication and authorization infrastructure SubjectsPlus is a FOSS tool (created at Ithaca College Library in the USA) that enables libraries to create and manage online research guides. VuFind is a library resource portal designed and developed by Villanova University library. It is designed to enable all library users to search and browse through all of the library's resources by replacing the traditional OPAC WordPress is one of the most popular FOSS blogging tools, that is also a Content Management System (CMS) Xerte Online Toolkits is an easy-to-use tool which helps non-technical staff to create accessible, multimedia e-learning materials Zotero is a free, open source reference management software add-on for the Firefox browser.
FOSS Resources Matrix for FOSS Digital Repositories: http://www.ir-africa.info/choice- matrix Different library FOSS tools - FOSS4LIB website : https://www.foss4lib Skills for Librarians Tips for Engaging with FOSS Communities EIFL-FOSS News and Events Library Success Portals EIFL-FOSS Library Advocacy Resource Information Portal for libraries Library Portal :VuFind Blogging tool: WordPress Blacklight это единое решение для библиотек, которые могут работать на едином репозитории, через несколько источников в одном учреждении, или через много институциональных репозиториев. CUFTS/GODOThis open source serials management system and link resolver has been widely adopted by academic institutions to help them manage collections effectively and to facilitate access to resources Frontline SMS is a FOSS tool that helps turn a laptop and mobile phone into a communications hub Invenio is a free software suite enabling you to run your own digital library or document repository on the web. The technology offered by the software covers all aspects of digital library management from document ingestion through classification, indexing, and curation to dissemination. Islandora combines the Drupal and Fedora open software applications to create a robust digital asset management system CDS/ISIS software for creating, updating and searching textual databases NewGenLib (NGL) is a fully functional web-based open source library management system OpenBiblio is an integrated library management system Open Harvester Systems is a free metadata indexing system Open Journal Systems (OJS) is software for the management of peer-review journals Open Monograph Press is an open source software platform from PKP for managing the editorial workflow required to process monographs reSearcher is an integrated suite of open source products for locating and managing electronic information resources, Shibboleth is an architecture and implementation for federated identity-based authentication and authorization infrastructure SubjectsPlus is a FOSS tool (created at Ithaca College Library in the USA) that enables libraries to create and manage online research guides. VuFind is a library resource portal designed and developed by Villanova University library. It is designed to enable all library users to search and browse through all of the library's resources by replacing the traditional OPAC WordPress is one of the most popular FOSS blogging tools, that is also a Content Management System (CMS) Xerte Online Toolkits is an easy-to-use tool which helps non-technical staff to create accessible, multimedia e-learning materials Zotero is a free, open source reference management software add-on for the Firefox browser.
EIFL- FOSS: The Advantages License fees for commercial software applications can be a barrier to the development of a modern ICT infrastructure in libraries Libraries in developing and transition countries require affordable, accessible, up-to-date software that can be adapted to suit local needs and languages. *** Simon Ball EIFL-FOSS Program , July 2010-January 2012 http://www.slideshare.net/simonjball/eiflfoss-g-asession2
FOSS Program Four Years of Achievements… Volunteer FOSS country coordinators now represent nearly every participating consortium across eIFL.net EIFL-FOSS country coordinators are champions for libraries in their countries and are the first line of support on FOSS- related questions for EIFL members EIFL-FOSS promotes understanding of FOSS through case studies, briefing notes, and open discussion Through the EIFL Greenstone project a regional support network consisting of eight national centres in Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania and Zimbabwe has been established - African Digital Libraries Support Network EIFL-FOSS has also supported the development of a similar network in South Asia
EIFL-FOSS Activities in Azerbaijan In December 2008, the first presentation about Khazar University Institutional Repository was organized for University Academic Council In 2009 an introduction to the Open Access movement and KUIR implementation was given at Baku State University for the academic community In 2009 eLearning system with Moodle platform was implemented at Khazar University In 2010 during a workshop organized at the Azerbaijan National Library, participating librarians were informed about successful KUIR implementation and development
EIFL-FOSS Activities (continued) In January 2011, during an Information Literacy workshop organized at CRRC Library, participating librarians were introduced to the EIFL-FOSS activities In May 2011, Khazar University ran a Koha ILS workshop for participants from various libraries. In December 2011 EIFL-FOSS coordinator in Azerbaijan was announced as one of the winners of the Electronic Publishing Trust for Development (EPT) Award On September 2012 within the Tempus project on “Migration and Higher Education”training on Greenstone was organized at Khazar University Information about KUIR implementation and successfully running was published in Khazar View and Azerbaijani Studies journals, conference proceedings (Libcom-2010, Zvenigorod, Russia,12th International Conference on Theses and Dissertations, Pittsburg, USA)
EIFL-FOSS Activities (continued) On 24 October 2012, coinciding with Open Access Week 2012 an introduction to DSpace was given to Khazar University newcomers during a presentation held at Khazar University Library During OA Week 2012 for DuraSpace ” For Your Repository Viewing Pleasure" was sent our story about splendid stuff in the KUIR On September 2013 Digital repository was implemented at Baku Higher Oil School (BHOS) in local network On October 28th 2013 BHOS Repository Team participated in Dspace webinar, organized by EIFL's FOSS On February 2014 BHOS started negotiations with Institute of Information Technology about Eduroam implementation
Registry of Open Access Repositories in Azerbaijan OpenDOAR is an authoritative directory of academic open access repositories. Each OpenDOAR repository has been visited by project staff to check the information that is recorded here. Baku Higher Oil Sc hool Library, 04/01/2014
Ranking Web of World Repositories January, 2014 Presentation about Khazar University experience with DSpace is available at EIFL website: http://www.eifl.net/dspace
Baku Higher Oil School Repository Goals To help the international Open Access efforts. “The mission of disseminating knowledge is only half complete if it is not widely and readily available to society.” (Adapted from the Berlin Declaration) To create a permanent record of the scholarly output of Baku Higher Oil School: No access to some scholarly works published by our own faculty Collections of working papers, research and technical reports, theses and dissertations
Why Did We Choose DSpace? Top Reasons to use Dspace Largest community of users and developers worldwide: over 1100 Khazar University Institutional Repository Successful story Any organization can use, modify, and even integrate the code into their commercial application without paying any licensing fees. The most common use is by research libraries as an institutional repository, however there are many organizations, such as museums, state archives, state and National Libraries, etc. Well organized web-interface Metadata in Dublin core format The most common use is by research libraries as an institutional repository, however there are many organizations, such as museums, state archives, state and National Libraries, etc. using the software to host and manage subject based repositories, dataset repositories, media based repositories or other digital assets.
Baku Higher Oil School Repository
Baku Higher Oil School Repository Communities and Collections Chemical Engineering Department [70] Computer and Information - Communication Technologies Department [22] Electronic Education Department [19] English Language and Humanitarian Courses Center [5] International Relations Department [25] Learning Materials [81] Library [135] Petroleum Engineering Department [26] Personal Pages [16] Postgraduate Training Department [12] Public Relations Department [19] Quality Assurance Department [15] Training Methodical Department [18]
Self-archiving Self-archiving serves two main purposes: Allows authors to disseminate their research articles for free over the Internet Helps to ensure the preservation of those articles in a rapidly evolving electronic environment.
Self-archiving - DSpace Register to: http://dspace.bhos.edu.az Choose a collection you want to submit to, e.g. Academic Support Send us an email and ask for registration rights.
BHOS Repository:Visibility
Our Focus on: Providing support for the FOSS applications implementation in local academic libraries Promote FOSS tools for libraries in Azerbaijan Educate librarians about the EIFL- FOSS best practice case studies Showcase FOSS software applications Find champions and partners among Azerbaijani libraries
Further Information eIFL.net http://www.eifl.net/ eIFL-FOSS http://www.eifl.net/cps/sections/services/eifl-foss Blog http://www.eifl.net/cps/sections/services/eifl- foss/foss-blog eIFL-FOSS Country Coordinator in Azerbaijan Tatyana Zayseva, E-mail: tatyana.zayseva@socar.az
Thank you for your attention!