True Colors Personality Inventory What hue are you?
True colors True Colors is an inventory designed to help you better understand yourself and others True Colors is an activity used to promote individual differences True Colors is a self-awareness activity enabling individuals to become aware of personality styles True Colors is a team builder helping members to understand the preferred styles of their colleagues
True Colors Each color is reflective of a personality type You will identify a primary and a secondary color; these are your personality types The colors you do not choose will still have some characteristics that are representative of you, they are just not your dominant personality type True Colors is valuable for improving your effectiveness in working with others
True Color cards
Handout: What is your color? Rank each set of word clusters in each row from 4 to 1 You can only use each number ONCE per ROW The following is WRONG 4 4 3 1 Once you have them ranked, total your answers at the bottom The color with the highest score is your primary color The color with the second highest score is your secondary color If you have a tie, choose the one with which you most identify
Divide into Color Groups Greens sit together Golds sit together Blues sit together Oranges sit together
How do you see yourself? “If you knew US….you would know….” Introduce yourself by sharing one characteristic of your primary hue Which of your personal qualities align most with your primary color? Are your colors situational? Do you see the same color at work, home, and with friends? Discuss your color group’s best traits Discuss your color group’s challenge areas Choose a spokesperson to share the top 3 of each
About Green I seek knowledge and understanding I live by my own standards I need explanations and answers I value intelligence, insight, fairness, and justice I am a natural, non-conformist, a visionary, and a problem solver
About Gold I follow the rules and respect authority I have a strong sense of what is right and what is wrong in life I need to be useful and to belong I value home, family, and tradition I am a natural perseverer, a good citizen, and helpful
About Blue I feel unique and authentic I look for meaning and significance in my life I need to contribute, to encourage, and to care I value integrity and unity in relationships I am a natural romantic and nurturer and may be poetically inclined
About Orange I act on a moment’s notice I consider life a game, here and now I need fun, variety, stimulation, and excitement I value skill, resourcefulness and courage I am a natural trouble-shooter, a performer, a competitor
Percentages of Population by Personality Style Green: 10 – 13% Blue: 12 – 25% Orange: 12 – 33% Gold: 33 – 50%
Why does this matter to us? Knowing these things about each other and ourselves can help us Work with each other better Communicate more effectively Make office time more productive Understand where others are coming from
Have you ever… Encountered that one person with whom you just couldn’t communicate? Had days when you felt like you were speaking a foreign language and no one else could understand you? Tried to get a co-worker or peer to understand your point of view to no avail?
Well, consider this: Each person approaches projects and conversations differently Sometimes, understanding how you maybe perceived can help you understand how to better communicate
Conflict management Have you had an experience of conflict in which you think there was a difference in personality? How might you use True Colors to address the conflict? How could/do you rely on the other True Colors for support in the workplace? How could you adjust your communication style to better work with other True Colors?
WORKING TOGETHER You are working with a GREEN colleague on a college committee charged with improving retention at UCBA. Your first deadline to show progress is next week. Given your color strengths and those of your partner, how do you manage the work to provide a progress report? You’re good with friends with Ginny who works at UCBA in a different department than you. Ginny tells you that she is struggling with her colleagues because they are not doing their share of work in the office. You know that Ginny is Gold in True Colors. What advice would you give her?
Conflict Reflection Questions How do you approach this situation? Potential reason for the conflict Your initial reaction and solution Other information you might require Possible Alternative and solutions (include steps)
Conclusions Everyone has some of each color within their lead color We all have strengths and weaknesses Try to play to each other’s strengths and consider how others approach ideas, projects, and communication Use this information to become a better communicator and team player
Save the date for the next Staff Development Workshop Thank you!! Save the date for the next Staff Development Workshop April 20, 2016 K- 12 Education Featuring: Mr. Gabe Lofton, Assistant Superintendent CPS 11:00 am and 1:00 pm Muntz 351