Community / Hall Council Advising Tamara S. Burke | Scott A. Nelson
Community/Hall Councils Participants will be provided instruction on the RHA/NRHH/Community Council structure at UGA Participants will be provided instruction on the role of community/hall council advisors Participants will be provided instruction on the use of the community/hall council constitution in working with councils Participants will be provided instruction on the election process Participants will be provided strategies for working successfully with student volunteers on councils
University Housing Mission University Housing provides comfortable, affordable and secure on-campus housing options in residential communities where the academic success and personal growth of residents are encouraged and supported.
Residence Hall Association a Residence Halls Association (RHA) is a student-run university residence hall governing body. It is usually the parent organization for individual hall governments. Their function is similar to a student government, except that most of their activities pertain to on-campus living. Most RHAs are either subordinate to or a division of their student governments — however a few are independent and relatively equal. RHA is the largest student-run organization of its kind in the world
Residence Hall Association Community / Hall Council University Housing Student Organization Flow Chart Residence Hall Association 2017 - 2018 University Housing Residence Hall Association NRHH RHS Community / Hall Council Brumby Community Council 4 votes Russell Community Council Creswell Community Council Building 1516 2 votes Payne Hall Council 1 vote Morris Hall Council Reed Hall Council CHB Hall Council Mell/Lipscomb Council Myers (M,ML, R, S) Community Council O-House Council ECV Community Council 6 votes HSC Community Council 1 vote* UV 2 votes * CHB – Church/Hill/Boggs ECV – East Campus Village UV – University Village M, ML, R, S –Myers, Mary Lyndon, Rutherford, Soule NRHH – National Residence Hall Honorary RHS – Residence Hall Studios *Activity fee paid in monthly rent for UV / HSC activities for graduate students This year Russell is closed; ECV will have 1600 students and UV will have 831. In order to keep some form of quorum ECV will have 2 addition votes and so will UV.
Breakdown of house fee structure Each resident provides housing money for development activities: $20.00 per resident $9.50 per resident goes to each community council $8.00 per resident goes to RHA $6.50 Goes to RHA account $1.00 goes to exec ‘n rec $0.50 goes to allocations $1.00 per resident goes to SDSC staff development $1.50 per resident goes to rps/rls Staff development Note: Uv (non first year buildings) & Hsc townhome residents have $1.00 collected from their monthly rent for resident programming purposes
Timeline for recruitment & Development of community councils Election Process Timeline Date Time Event Wednesday, August 16h 12:00PM Applications open Monday, August 21st 5:00PM Information Session – Brown Hall Upper Community Room Friday, August 25th All applications/flyers due Tuesday, August 29th 5:00-7:00PM Elections – link sent via UGA email Wednesday, August 30th Election results posted in Brown Hall Lobby and Kenny/McGowan Road mailbox center Tuesday, September 5th 6:00PM HSCC Training – Brown Hall Conference Room 8:00PM RHA 1st General Body Meeting – MLC Saturday, September 9th 8:00AM-5:00PM Exec n’ Rec Business Meeting – MLC FOR FALL 2017…ELECTIONS MUST BE COMPLETED BY THURSDAY, AUGUST 31ST!!
Community council constitution The rha constitution serves as a mirror to the community council constitutions. Community council constitutions should be a reflection of the rha constitution Structure Positions voting representatives
Community council constitution Action required: all community councils need to add the new non-discrimination clause to their constitutions this year! Section 1: “Membership and all privileges, including voting and officer positions, must be extended to all students without regard to race, color, sex (including sexual harassment and pregnancy), sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity or national origin, religion, age, genetic information, disability or veteran status.” Section 2: “membership and all privileges, including voting and officer positions, must be extended to all students as stated in the university of Georgia non-discrimination and anti-harassment policy. Title vi of the civil rights act of 1964 protects people from discrimination based on race, color or national origin in programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance. Title IX states that: no person in the united states shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.”
Community / Hall Council Role of a community / hall council A proactive group of residents who serve as leaders to enhance the residence hall community through: Social programs Role modeling Community service Campus involvement
Community / Hall Council Hall Council is a group of students who plan events that make their residence hall feel more like home. From pizza parties to tie dyeing, hall councils are committed to making the residence halls a better place and having fun all year long. Hall councils represent the student leadership within the residence halls. Serving on a hall council is an opportunity exclusively offered to students living within the residence halls and provides a unique leadership opportunity to a community that is comprised of mostly first year students. Hall Council members are offered many leadership development opportunities as well throughout the year.
Role of Community / Hall Advisors Advisor roles may depend on the needs of the executive board and individual executive board members. What common roles can an advisor serve during an academic year with the executive board?
Role of community / hall advisors Consultant Developer Financial counselor Liaison planner Resource person Role model Sounding board Supervisor A resource person - any staff member will know the general services of the campus and community. A planner - the advisor will actively help the members plan, promote, carry-out and evaluate their programs. A financial counselor - advisors are responsible for overseeing the budget and watching what the money is spent on. A supervisor - advisor should not run the meetings, but will be there to lend support and direction when things get out of hand. A role model - advisors will be willing to help officers begin the year and will continue this guidance and support throughout the year. Advisors will aid in these tasks to the best of their ability. A consultant - many times, students will need help in setting up budgets, obtaining support, etc. A sounding board - hall staffs are the ones that students generally have the most contact. Advisors will be willing to give opinions and direct students to the proper University officials or further discussion as needed. A liaison - advisors will provide a balance of professionalism between the group and the University and will aid in the group's growth and development. A developer – the advisor will encourage and stimulate the development of leadership and interpersonal skills. Also, they will help educate the RHC on the importance of being accountable for one's own actions.
Role of community / hall advisors Starting point: the advisor and the group should determine jointly the advisor's role. Let students discuss what they feel the advisor’s role in the group should be. The advisor should state a definition of the role, including institutional pressures that affect it. Have open & joint discussions. The advisor must follow up on the agreed-upon role. If change takes place, renegotiate the role. The role should be an active one of giving information and advice as well as assisting the group when they get bogged down. Advisors should make students aware of alternatives. Students are free to make their own decisions. The advisor should not have a veto. The group advisor, however, does have the power of persuasion and should use it. Have faith in students to make good decisions. Remember, students have the right to make mistakes but advisors should not "set them up" to make errors. Offer the best advice possible including warnings when you feel they need them. Do not use student groups as a vehicle for expressing your leadership ability. Your task is to develop leadership in students.
Advisor involvement Ways you can impact executive board development: Attend Meetings Attend Activities Present a program with the President Get to know the officers - have lunch or dinner off campus go bowling go shopping Make elections a big deal Social Activities Give Feedback to the President Give warm fuzzies/compliments Advertise meetings and functions at staff meetings Hold an appreciation day Talk positively Recognize (OTMs and other ways) Fall and/or spring retreat Food and fun
Role Community / Hall Councils Leadership for students Enhance the residential learning/living experience Academic success and personal growth brings our mission to life Further develops the skills necessary to make them effective members in a global society What do you see as the role of community / hall councils?