First Grade Chinese Immersion Back To School Night
I am excited to be your teacher! Meet Mrs. Furlong I am excited to be your teacher! My Family A little bit about me: I am an identical twin Lived in Utah my whole life Traveled all over the country Have 4 sons and 1 daughter My husband and I have 6 wonderful grandchildren! Taught for 17 years (K-2) Have a Masters Degree in Elementary Education I enjoy reading, sewing, music, dance, and teaching!
Meet Shao Laoshi I can’t wait to meet you! My Family A little bit about me: From Taichung, Taiwan Taught Chinese at the MTC for three years Graduated from BYU in Linguistics Masters in Education from National Taichung University of Education EFL teacher for many years Taught Soc. St. and Science in Taiwanese elementary schools. Enjoy calligraphy, playing the Yang qing (a musical instrument), and doing patchwork. I have a husband and two daughters in high school.
Yearly Schedule Green and Blue Classes This year the first grade Chinese team has decided to not switch morning start times half way through the year. This will happen in 2nd Grade. We have decided to help the 1st graders adjust to an all day schedule and not add more anxiety to their lives by switching morning start time half way through the school year. If you are in the Green class then you will always start the day with Mrs. Furlong and end the day with Shao Laoshi. Those who are in the Blue class will always start the day with Shao Laoshi and end with Mrs. Furlong.
Daily Schedule 8:50 am Attendance, Pledge, & Seat Work 9:05 am Whole Class Comprehension & Word Work Instruction 9:35 am Reading Centers 10:15 am Recess 10:30 am Whole Class Writing Instruction 11:00 am Switch Classes (PM Groups) 11:00 am Attendance & Seat Work 11:15 am Lunch & Recess 12:05 pm Reading Centers 12:45 pm 1st Grade Computer Lab/Parent Volunteering 1:15 pm Whole Class Comprehension Instruction 1:35 pm Recess 1:55 pm Prep. (See next slide for detailed prep. classes) 2:40 pm Whole Class Writing Instruction 3:05 pm Whole Class Word Work instruction 3:25 pm Dismiss for Home
Prep Schedule 2:40 pm Prep. Time 3:25 pm Dismiss for Home Blue Group (Mrs. Furlong’s PM Group): Mon: Computer Tues: PE Wed: Music-Art Thurs: Library Green Group (Shao Laoshi’s PM Group): Mon: Library Tues: Computer Wed: PE Thurs: Music-Art 3:25 pm Dismiss for Home
Friday Daily Schedule 8:50 am Attendance & Pledge (Seat Work) 9:15 am Whole Class Instruction 10:15 am Recess 10:30 am Whole Class Instruction 10:45 am Switch Classes (PM Groups) 10:45 am Whole Class Instruction 11:15 am Lunch & Recess 12:05 pm Whole Class Instruction 1:25 pm Dismiss for Home
Birthday Each boy and girl will get to be a Star on their birthday. They will share an All About Me booklet with his/her class on their birthday. The booklet will come home the week prior to their birthday (on a Monday). The birthday student will be sharing this booklet in their English class. The Chinese class will sing to them in Chinese. All About Me Booklet
Birthday! If your child does not have a birthday during the school year, this will happen on their ½ birthday month. Example: July birthdays will be celebrated in January. If you choose to send a snack to celebrate your child’s birthday, please make sure it is purchased and if possible individually wrapped. It is best to hand out birthday treats at the end of the day. PEANUT ALLERGY: Please do not send any treats with peanuts or peanut in the ingredients to the classroom. We have a student who has a peanut allergy. We also have students with other milk allergies.
Weekly Homework English and Chinese Homework will be in a weekly homework packet and sent home in a folder each Monday. The homework packet/folder will need to be returned the following Friday. There will not be any homework on the short weeks were we have two or three day of school. Those weeks will be review weeks. The first grade would like to have their students read every night using a Leveled reading program called RazKids. Go to the school webpage to log on to the RazKids account. We will send a letter home with their passwords and directions as soon as the account is activated.
Weekly Assessments FRIDAY ATTENDANCE IS VITAL! We assess students every Friday in multiple areas that we have been working on during the week. Language Arts Assessment Spelling Test The words that are sent home on Monday will be tested on Friday. Math Skills Quiz We include the spelling words in the weekly homework packet. Weekly Assessments are almost impossible to make up. Please make sure that your student is in class ALL DAY on Friday.
Classroom Rules Follow Directions Quickly! Raise your hand for permission to speak. Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat. Make Smart Choices! Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe, Keep you teacher happy! Have fun learning! During the Chinese portion of the day there is a strict “No English Spoken” policy. Your Child is breaking the rules if he/she speaks English.
Behavior Management Positive Whole Classroom Individual Behavior Work towards classroom/table points for rewards Individual Behavior Color Range: Everyday students start at Green Positive Behavior moves up the color scale. Each color moved up gives them points to earn for fun activities. Negative behavior moves down the color scale. If yellow card is pulled then they lose a point for that day. If student moves to red then they will lose two points and a note that will be sent home. This note MUST be signed and returned the next day. Multiple verbal warnings are given before moving to red.
Volunteers WE NEED YOUR HELP IN THE CLASSROOM!! In order for your child to have the best experience in First Grade, we need all of the help we can get! ***Parent Volunteer time*** 12:45 to 1:15 pm (Mon.-Thur.) Both classes will be in the large computer lab working on computers and parents will pull out and do small groups or one-on-one work. If you can help in any way, we would really appreciate it.
Communication Weekly newsletters will be sent home in the Folders with the Monday homework packet. Monthly newsletters will be sent home each month and on our website. E-mail: See our webpage for our email addresses if you would like to contact us by email. Phone: 801-402-2600 We are at the school from 8:15-3:45 if you need to contact us. You may be asked to leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Donations If you would like to donate items to our classroom. These are the items we need: Glue Sticks #2 Pencils Tissues & Paper Towels Disinfectant Wipes Ziploc Baggie (sandwich & Gallon Size) Plastic Sheet Protectors Small Stickers Small Treasure Box Items
Thank You! Thank you for all the hard work that you have already put into your child’s education! We look forward to working with you and your child to move forward in the development of their academic, language and social skills! We are excited for a great school year!