Organizing the New Government
George Washington’s Inauguration New York City, April 30, 1789
Inauguration inauguration-The ceremony in which the President officially takes the oath of office. Today, inaugurations take place at 12 noon on January 20 because of the 20th amendment.
Do you know what phrase every POTUS add since George Washington to the end of the Oath of Office?
The answer is…… So help me God!
“I walk on untrodden ground “I walk on untrodden ground.There is scarcely any part of my conduct which may not hereafter be drawn into precedent.”
An act or decision that sets an example for others to follow Precedent An act or decision that sets an example for others to follow
One Precedent Only running for two terms as President
Simple Question for you What do we call the President of the United States? Let’s answer that by saying What didn’t the people want in a President?
What do we call him? His highness? President Washington? His highness the President of the United States and protector of the Rights of the Same? President Washington wanted something simpler…..
Washington decides His title will be simply “President of the United States” and people should call him “Mr. President.” What this does is it sets up the most important thing that Washington gives to our country as President……
Vice President John Adams Mike Pence
Why do you think that the first cabinet was formed?
If you were thinking… Because the President can’t run the country alone…
Give yourself a pat on the back… Because you were right.
Washington Appoints First Cabinet In 1789 Congress creates four executive departments. The heads of the departments make up the President’s cabinet. State Treasury War Attorney General
Department of State (foreign affairs) Thomas Jefferson Rex W. Tillerson
Department of Treasury Alexander Hamilton Steven T. Mnuchin
Department of War (Department of Defense) Henry Knox James Mattis
Department of Justice Attorney General Edmund Randolph Jeff Sessions
Federal Court System Judiciary Act of 1789
Supreme Court-One Chief Justice and Five Associate Justices Judiciary Act of 1789 Supreme Court-One Chief Justice and Five Associate Justices Chief Justice was John Jay Series of District Courts and Circuit Courts
Chief Justice John Jay John G. Roberts, Jr.
Today’s Court Do you know how many justices there are today? The answer is 1 Chief Justice and 8 Associate Justices for a total of 9
Today’s Supreme Court
Hamilton and the National Debt
LARGE NATIONAL DEBT Money was owed by the Federal Govt and the states from Rev. War -- Pay For Supplies -- Pay soldiers -- They borrowed money from foreign govts and ordinary citizens
How to pay debt Issued Government Bonds -- Bond-a certificate that promises to repay the money loaned plus interest. -- National Debt-total sum of money the government owes
Hamilton Developed a Plan Buy up all bonds issued before 1789 Sell new bonds to pay off the old debts When economy improved, govt would pay off new bonds
Madison leads opposition of plan He thought plan would reward Speculators I know, you don’t know what a speculator is….. Why don’t you just ask me…
Speculator Someone that is willing to invest in a risky venture in the hope of making a large profit.
Why the opposition? During the Rev. War, soldiers were paid with bonds rather than cash. Soldiers needed cash to survive
Speculators paid 10 to 15 cents per dollar If govt paid the bonds off at the face value--the speculators would make huge profits.
Hamilton wanted to gain trust of investors Hamilton convinced Congress to accept his plan. Madison led the fight against the plan.
One problem was that the Southern states had already paid their debts. What do you think they wanted the other states to do?
Hamilton’s Compromise He persuaded his Northern friends to move capital to the South if the Southerners agreed to pay off the state debts
District of Columbia is born
District of Columbia Born July 1790 Not part of any state
Was built on land along the Potomac River between Maryland and Virginia In the meantime, U.S. Capital was moved to Philadelphia.
Now…..from National Debt to strengthening U.S. economy Alexander Hamilton set up National Bank. In 1791, Congress set up Bank of the United States.
Bank of the United States Government deposited collected taxes Bank issued paper money Bank issued loans to farmers and businesses
Whiskey Tax 1791-Congress taxed all liquor made and sold in the U.S. Remember the backcountry We studied about the backcountry….
Whiskey Tax Backcountry farmers made corn Corn was turned into whiskey Whiskey was put in barrels and sent to East coast
Backcountry farmers protested whiskey tax and many refused to pay They compared it with the taxes that the British had forced on the colonists.
Whiskey Rebellion John Neville was tax collector William Miller receives summons for not paying taxes Miller would have to go to Philadelphia to court. He owed tax of $250
Whiskey Rebellion
Whiskey Rebellion At the same time, he pardoned the farmer which “tempered justice with mercy.”
Whiskey Rebellion President Washington sent troops to regain peace after tax officials were tarred and feathered. Washington’s quick response proved that new govt would act firmly in times of crisis