Tips for Measuring Work Readiness for WIA Youth Are You Ready? Tips for Measuring Work Readiness for WIA Youth Friday, May 1, 2009 at 1PM ET
Presentation Slide Area Attendee List Presentation Slide Area Chat Room Presentation Slide Area Moderator: There are 4 areas that I would like to call to your attention: The first is the presentation slide area, it’s where the main content for the webinar will appear and it will be the main focus of your attention throughout the webinar. The second is the attendee list, it’s located on the top left of your screen and it displays a list of all attendees to this webinar. The third is the chat room, also at the left of the screen, directly below the attendee list, it allows you to ask questions, or make comments during the webinar. We are using a ONE WAY conference call for the audio portion of this webinar – you can hear the presenters, but they cannot hear you. Due to the large number of attendees, and to control background noise and interruptions, we’re going to rely on this CHAT feature to solicit your questions throughout the session. Those attending with a group will want to designate a “scribe” to represent your group by entering questions as they occur ANYTIME throughout the session. Your questions are automatically transmitted to the presenters and will be answered during dedicated question and answer periods. The fourth is the “Meeting” menu located at the top left of your monitor. Once you click the “Meeting” menu, you will be presented with a few options to choose from. The only option I want to point out to you is the “Full Screen” option. If you feel the size of the room is too small or if it is difficult for you to read the text, I suggest you switch to Full Screen mode. Depending on the size of your monitor, this will increase the size of the webinar room so that images will appear larger. Status Options
Submitting Questions Chat Room Enter questions into the Chat Room (located in lower left corner of the virtual classroom). To submit a question or comment, type the question in the text box and click the arrow button. Your name, the text “(Submitted Question)” and your question will appear in red on your screen, indicating successful submission. Questions are directly transmitted to presenters – other participants will not see your questions. CLOSE CHAT SLIDE Moderator: To submit a question using the chat feaure, type the question in the text box and click the arrow button to submit. When you submit a question, your name, the text “Submitted Question” and your question will appear in red on your screen, indicating successful submission. Note that Questions are directly transmitted to presenters – other participants will not see your questions. Again, please be sure to enter your questions at ANYTIME throughout our session. We’ll make time to answer as many of them as possible during the session. (ADVANCE SLIDE) Text Box Arrow Button
Practice In the chat room, please type the name of your organization, your location, and how many people are attending with you today.
Recordings available within 2 business days after the event. Webinar Resources: Recordings available within 2 business days after the event. All resources are posted under the… Moderator: (Public Webinar) Please note that all webinar resources, such as the PPT, recording, transcript and any handouts used during the webinar will be available for download from your “My Dashboard” page. When you initially log into your W31 account, your “My Dashboard” page will be the first page you’re taken to. The recording and transcript will be available within 2 business days after the session concludes while the PPT and any handouts will be posted before the session begins. To access the recording or any resource associated with the recording, like the PPT or handouts, simply click the “Resources” tab on the left side of the homepage. Click “Resource Type” dropdown “Webinar Recording”. (ADVANCE SLIDE)
Presenters Presenters: Vinz Koller Social Policy Research Associates Arnold Palacios, Youth Services, Tucson, AZ Peter Cavanaugh, WDC, Seattle King County John Niles, Commonwealth Corporation, Boston, MA Moderator: Evan Rosenberg, Division of Youth Services, Employment and Training Administration
Today’s Agenda Practitioners share their tools Basics of Work Readiness Indicator under the ARRA (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act) Questions & Answers
Understanding Work Readiness under the ARRA Any youth in summer employment funded by the Recovery Act will be included in the work readiness indicator, even if a youth receives services beyond summer or before summer The work readiness portion of the WIA skill attainment rate is the only indicator used for youth who participate in “summer employment” only and are only being served with Recovery Act funds
How the Measure is Calculated Of those youth in summer employment funded by ARRA: # of youth who have made measurable progress in attaining work readiness 100 X # of youth in summer employment funded by ARRA
How the Measure is Calculated For Example: 88 youth who have made measurable progress in attaining work readiness X 100 = 88% 100 of youth in summer employment funded by ARRA
Timeline Measurable Progress Post-Assessment Pre-Assessment Summer Work Experience Enrollment Completion
Director of Training & Technical Assistance, Presenter Vinz Koller Director of Training & Technical Assistance, Social Policy Research Associates (NOTE: Use this slide to transition between speakers and introduce new speakers/presenters during the presentation.)
Defining Work Readiness The Work Readiness Skills Goal, as specified in TEGL No. 17-05 includes a measurable increase in work readiness skills including: World-of-work awareness, labor market knowledge, occupational information, career planning and decision making, and job search skills Independent living skills, positive work habits, attitudes and behaviors, showing initiative and reliability, and assuming the responsibilities involved in maintaining a job The definition of a Work Readiness Skills Goal, as specified in TEGL No. 17-05, Attachment B Definition of Key Terms found at 05_AttachB.pdf
Work Readiness Skills Goals for WIA and ARRA Skill Group Specific Work Readiness Goals Career Readiness Skills World-of-work awareness Labor market knowledge Occupational information Values clarification and personal understanding Career planning and decision making Job search techniques (resumes, interviews, applications, and follow-up letters) Work Ethic and Professionalism Attendance and punctuality Workplace appearance Accepting direction and constructive criticism Motivation and taking initiative Understanding workplace culture, policy and safety Communication and Interpersonal Skills Speaking Listening Interacting with co-workers Source: CommCorp
Methodology Local areas should have some form of pre and post assessment to determine a measurable gain Options include: worksite supervisor evaluations, work readiness skill checklists administered by program staff, portfolio assessments, and any other relevant forms of assessing work readiness skills.
SAMPLE Audience Polling Question We are interested in knowing what assessment tools you are planning to use to assess work readiness. Please select one: Worksite supervisor evaluations Work readiness skill checklists administered by program staff Portfolio assessments Other (Please indicate in the chat window what method you are using)
Share Your Tools Please share your work readiness assessment tool or your work readiness curriculum with your colleagues. Send it to the following e-mail address: Examples will be featured in the work readiness area of the resource section at:
Getting Youth Ready for Work Recruitment Enrollment Work readiness pre-assessment Work readiness instruction Work experience Work readiness post-assessment Reporting work readiness results
Introduction of Practitioners Arnold Palacios, Tucson Youth Development, Tucson, AZ Peter Cavanaugh, Seattle King County, WA (NOTE: Use this slide to transition between speakers and introduce new speakers/presenters during the presentation.) John Niles, Commonwealth Corporation, Boston, MA
Tucson Youth Development Practitioner Arnold Palacios Executive Director Tucson Youth Development Tucson, AZ 20
Work Readiness at Tucson Youth Development Work-readiness assessment tool rates 12 different personal competency areas. 6 of them are pre- employment tasks (interviewing, resume writing, interest inventories) and 6 are job-specific The State of Arizona requires 5 pre-employment goals be met Recruitment Enrollment Work readiness pre-assessment Work readiness instruction Work experience Work readiness post-assessment Reporting work readiness results
Presumptive Need/Work Readiness Review
Skill Attainment Record – Work Readiness Education Skills
Determining Success Employers assess youth at completion of work experience Youth must receive a supervisor rating of at least 80% to be considered successful
Tucson Youth Development Contact Arnold Palacios Executive Director Tucson Youth Development (520) 623-5843 (NOTE: Use this slide to transition between speakers and introduce new speakers/presenters during the presentation.)
Practitioner Peter Cavanaugh Planner/Summer Youth Program Lead Workforce Development Council Seattle - King County, WA (NOTE: Use this slide to transition between speakers and introduce new speakers/presenters during the presentation.)
Work Readiness in Seattle-King County Individualized services are provided by consortia of providers The Learning Employability Profile (LEP) is an example of a tool used by local providers to monitor work- readiness training Recruitment Enrollment Work readiness pre-assessment Work readiness instruction Work experience Work readiness post-assessment Reporting work readiness results
The Learning Employability Profile (LEP)
Determining Success Students receive a supervisor evaluation following their work experience Those with satisfactory/high rating are awarded a work readiness attainment
Contact Peter Cavanaugh Planner/Summer Youth Program Lead Workforce Development Council of Seattle/King County (206) 448-0474 ext. 3026
The Commonwealth Corporation Practitioner John Niles Deputy Director The Commonwealth Corporation Boston, MA 31
Work Readiness Skills Goals for WIA and ARRA Skill Group Specific Work Readiness Goals Source Career Readiness Skills World-of-work awareness Labor market knowledge Occupational information Values clarification and personal understanding Career planning and decision making Job search techniques (resumes, interviews, applications, and follow-up letters) Local decision Work Ethic & Professionalism Attendance and punctuality Workplace appearance Accepting direction and constructive criticism Motivation and taking initiative Understanding workplace culture, policy and safety Massachusetts Work-based Learning Plan Communication & Interpersonal Skills Speaking Listening Interacting with co-workers
Massachusetts Work Based Learning Plan
Work Readiness in Massachusetts A youth’s Individual Service Strategy must include at least one specific skill goal from any of the three skill groups: (1) Career Readiness Skills, (2) Work Ethic and Professionalism, and (3) Communication and Interpersonal Skills The Massachusetts Work-based Learning Plan is a tool for assessing (1) Work Ethic and Professionalism, and (2) Communication and Interpersonal Skills, the MWBLP can be viewed/downloaded from: Recruitment Enrollment Work readiness pre-assessment Work readiness instruction Work experience Work readiness post-assessment Reporting work readiness results
Regional Employment Board of Hampden County Workplace Readiness Initiative Created curriculum to develop a youth’s basic work readiness skills in four competency areas as measured by the MWBLP Curriculum includes activities to help youth develop essential job search skills such as completing a job application, developing a resume and interviewing Recruitment Enrollment Work readiness pre-assessment Work readiness instruction Work experience Work readiness post-assessment Reporting work readiness results
Training the Trainers: training is mandatory prior to use of the model Regional Employment Board of Hampden County Workplace Readiness Initiative The estimated time to provide the full curriculum is 8 or more hours. The program should ideally be completed within two weeks Training the Trainers: training is mandatory prior to use of the model Recruitment Enrollment Work readiness pre-assessment Work readiness instruction Work experience Work readiness post-assessment Reporting work readiness results
Determining Success Activities that address career readiness skills yield specific products that form a youth portfolio Portfolios are assessed by program staff Work-based learning plans provide structure and act as contracts with youth. The employer makes the final determination as to whether or not the youth is work-ready.
Deputy Director Commonwealth Corporation Contact John Niles Deputy Director Commonwealth Corporation (617) 727-8158 ext. 2324
Please enter your questions into the Chat Room! Question and Answer Period (ADVANCE SLIDE) Please enter your questions into the Chat Room!
Share Your Tools Please share your work readiness assessment tool or your work readiness curriculum with your colleagues. Send it to the following e-mail address: Examples will be featured in the work readiness area of the resource section at:
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Recordings available within 2 business days after the event. Webinar Resources: Recordings available within 2 business days after the event. All resources are posted under the… Moderator: (Public Webinar) Please note that all webinar resources, such as the PPT, recording, transcript and any handouts used during the webinar will be available for download from your “My Dashboard” page. When you initially log into your W31 account, your “My Dashboard” page will be the first page you’re taken to. The recording and transcript will be available within 2 business days after the session concludes while the PPT and any handouts will be posted before the session begins. To access the recording or any resource associated with the recording, like the PPT or handouts, simply click the “Resources” tab on the left side of the homepage. Click “Resource Type” dropdown “Webinar Recording”. (ADVANCE SLIDE)
Stay Informed, Get Connected! Workforce3 One: Communities of practice Live web-based events Register for updates! For more information about the workforce investment system: Visit Call 1-877-US2-JOBS You can learn more and stay connected with trends and innovations by logging on to Workforce3 One, where you’ll find: Engaging communities of practice where you can share ideas, questions and innovations, and connect with peers; Learning through live Web-conferencing events that feature leaders and experts from industry and from government; and, A means of registering to be informed of news and events as they occur. We encourage you to make note of Workforce3 One – it is a powerful new tool, funded by ETA and “powered” by YOU! You can also learn more about the workforce investment system by visiting and by calling 1-877-US2-JOBS. (ADVANCE SLIDE)