Conclusions The impact of the Great War: The U.S. began the 20th century as an imperial power & reluctantly entered WWI to protect free trade Involvement in WWI led to changes for women & blacks, an economic boom, & the restriction of liberties The U.S. played a major role in the peace process, but refusal to join the League weakened the ability of world leaders to stop World War II
Unit 3 Review: Foreign Policy & WWI Groups compete against each other: Teams will be presented a prompt & asked to provide as many correct answers as possible within 1 minute Groups earn 1 point per correct answer
Prompt—Answer these Qs Why did the USA fight in the Spanish American War? What 3 countries did the USA annex after the Spanish-American War in 1898? What caused the Philippine insurrection in 1899? How did the USA gain the rights to build the Panama Canal?
Answers Yellow journalism, to help Cuba, the USS Maine blew up Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines We liberated the Philippines from Spanish rule but did not give them independence like we did in Cuba Encouraged Panamanians to rebel from Colombia
Prompt: Find the vocab term The idea that the USA should imperialize weak countries in order to improve them (democracy, technology, etc.) Document that said the USA is the police power of the Western Hemisphere Teddy Roosevelt’s foreign policy approach of using military intervention to accomplish goals
Vocabulary Terms “Social Darwinism” or “White Man’s Burden” Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine “Big Stick” diplomacy
Prompt: Answer these Qs Name 3 causes of World War I Name 3 Allied Powers Name 3 Central Powers
Answers Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism, Assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand Britain, France, Russia, Serbia, Japan, Australia, United States, etc. Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire
Prompt: Find the vocab term When a country commits all its resources into winning the war The use of German “u-boats” to stop countries from trading with their enemy, the Allies The intercepted message from Germany to Mexico, requesting that Mexico attack the USA To get ready for war by drafting soldiers, building equipment, etc.
Vocabulary Terms Total War Unrestricted Submarine Warfare The Zimmerman Note (Telegram) Mobilization
Prompt: Find the vocab term U.S. gov’t agency created to oversee the production of military supplies U.S. law passed that conscripted men 18-45 Name of the “separate U.S. military” that was created to fight in WWI U.S. gov’t agency created to create propaganda & sell war bonds
Vocabulary Terms War Industries Board (WIB) Selective Service Act American Expeditionary Force (AEF) Committee on Public Information (CPI)
Prompt: Answer these Qs Name 3 ways women were impacted by World War I Name 3 ways African Americans were impacted by World War I Name 3 ways the U.S. economy was impacted by World War I
Answers Worked in factories, joined Army, Red Cross, planted Victory Gardens, supported Bond Drives, gained vote Great Migration into North, drafted, segregated units, only 10% fought, race riots in North USA was richest country in world, no longer needed loans but gave loans, increased pay for Americans, led to consumerism in 1920s, helped pay for rebuilding Europe after war
Prompt: Find the vocab term Socialist group led by Lenin who overthrew Russian gov’t in 1917 Fear of socialism in the USA Socialist leader and Presidential candidate in the United States Law passed by Congress that restricted freedom of speech & criticisms of the gov’t during WWI
Vocabulary Terms Bolsheviks “Red Scare” Eugene Debs Espionage and Sedition Acts
Prompt: Answer these Qs Name 3 of Wilson’s Fourteen Points Name 3 provisions of the Treaty of Versailles Why didn’t the United States join the League of Nations?
Answers Freedom of the seas, no secret treaties, end to imperialism & militarism, redraw map of Europe, & a League of Nations Created a League of Nations; German reparations, loss of territory & army, & acceptance of war guilt; Divided weak empires & made new nations Conflict between executive and legislative branches, fears US would be tied to foreign powers
Prompt: Answer these Qs Name 3 examples showing that America's role in the world changed by the 20th century Name 3 factors that pulled the USA into World War I Name 2 successes & 2 failures of Wilson's Fourteen Points in terms of the Treaty of Versailles.
Answers Influence in Latin America (Big Stick, Panama Canal, Roosevelt Corollary) & Asia (Open Door Policy); Imperialism (Hawaii, Spanish-Am War, etc); Rejected neutrality (fought in WWI & 14 Points) Submarine (freedom of the seas), Zimmerman Note, Money from loans & arms sales, British propaganda, “Make the World Safe for Democracy” Success: League, New Nations Failure: No end to alliances, imperialism, militarism; No free trade; Germany punished (No peace w/out victory)