WWI 1917-1919
US History HW--Study terms for Tuesday’s test Imperialism Platt Amendment Open Door Dollar Diplomacy Big Stick Admiral Thayer Mahan Roosevelt Corollary USS Lusitania Hawaii Selective Service Yellow Journalism Zimmerman Telegram Adm. Mahan Espionage & Sedition Acts Clear & present Danger Schenck v. US
Why does America enter WWI? German submarine warfare on U.S. shipping USS Lusitania is sunk-1915 Zimmerman Telegram-insults America Freedom of the Seas- Economic ties to France, Britain Cultural & Ethnic links-to France & Britain April, 1917-Congress declares War against the Central powers
President Wilson Make world safe for democracy Propaganda-songs & posters Liberty Bonds 1916 reelection “He kept us out of war”
Causes of WWI Militarism-In Europe the 1900’s see a huge and steady build up or both armies & navies And secret defense treaties Assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand by Serbian Gabriel Princip
Why does America enter WWI? Unrestricted submarine warfare Make the ocean safe for trade How does the Atlantic ocean protect America from invasion? Why is it difficult for America to maintain its neutrality? Because Germany violates the international principle of freedom of the seas by using unrestricted submarine warfare
Uncle Sam WWI
WWI Poster
The Espionage & Sedition Acts Espionage Act 1917 —crime to interfere with the draft and barred treasonous material from the U.S. mail system. The Sedition Act 1918 Sedition-cannot speak out and or use speech, statements or publications that are disloyal, profane…or are abusive about the U.S. govt, constitution, flag, military
Propaganda used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.
The Espionage & Sedition Acts Silence critics of the war effort Who would be opposed to WWI in 1914? Almost all Americans
WWI Poster
Schenck v. United States 1919- SC ruled free speech could be restricted during wartime. “Congress has the right to prevent words that would cause a clear and present danger.” Sometimes the need to fight the danger out weighs the limitations on our civil rights
Wilson’s 14 points Open & not secret diplomacy/ alliances Freedom of the seas Removal of trade barriers Arms-reduction Self-determination-of peoples-let national groups make their own political decisions and form their own countries An association of nations = league of nations
WWI ends and there are ripples across the Atlantic Harsh treatment of Central Powers America returns to isolationism Senate does not approve the Versailles treaty and does not approve the league of nations Wilson dies
Treaty of Versailles Germany had to Accept Complete responsibility Pay Huge reparations New countries-Poland & Czechoslovakia Give up its over seas colonies US Senate refuses to ratify Versailles treaty America never joins League of Nations
Reparations & War debts US is owed $$$ from European allies US tariffs prevented European imports US farmers benefitted from WWI So did American business, farmers, manufacturing & Banking. When Europe can’t pay $$ owed to the above U.S. institutions the world wide Depression is on.
Allies Britain, US, France, Belgium Economic & Cultural Propaganda Unrestricted travel of International Seas Neutral countries should not be molested Selective Service Act 1917
The Armistice: WWI Ends November 11, at 11:00 am--1918 Austria-Hapsburg empire = gone New Countries Poland & Czechoslovakia Germany must : Give up over seas colonies Pay huge war debts = reparations No military Adopt a democratic govt aka Weimar republic
The Red Scare in USA 1918-1919 Russia pulls out of WWI and the Communist revolution ends the Czarist system. The Red scare in USA creates the following America fears Communism is coming to USA Resurge of nativism KKK Fear of anarchists, labor unions, immigrants, socialists & COMMUNISTS