Catch you at the SHARKS For Test Match Friday night SHARK waves 18/04 edition Welcome to your newsletter. Inside do not miss Aqua Jetty School holiday offer Around the teams Development with local school This weeks home games Become a member Your business is our business Order you SHARKS 2013 club apparel NOW Anzac Challenge This weeks HOME games First game teams must help set up fields. All teams MUST provide two volunteers in the canteen. Last game teams MUST help end of day process Catch you at the SHARKS For Test Match Friday night
Around the Teams Under 7s Blue Came up against what appears to be the benchmark team in our age group, the Kalamunda Bulldogs, who are a big, well coached team. Our boys committed themselves admirably and again continued to play as a team. At the final whistle we were only down by 2 tries. Congratulations to Lucas Lindo and Taitoa Te Rauna for their first tries as part of our club. Josh Voute, playing with us after having joined from rugby, continues to showcase himself as a player of high ability. A big thanks must also go to Clint Edwards who took control of our team today. Well done team, awesome effort from all. Under 7's White We had a awesome game at South Perth on Sunday. Were all working well as a team. Dusty's attacking and defense was awesome throughout the game. Oscar got knocked down but got back up to finish the game. It was unlucky that Ashton got hurt on the last tackle of the game, but he still sung the team song with all of the boys. Keep up the good work 7's. All team management please send your teams weekly write up so we can add it to our newsletter to by COB on Tuesdays.
Around the Teams Under 14’s Rockingham Sharks 30 South Perth Lions 10 As the old saying goes, a win is a win but this was certainly not the best performance from the Sharks by a long shot. The hot and humid conditions, a South Perth side that played very well throughout and having to rotate 11 players off the bench all contributed to a disjointed and error ridden performance by the team. Simple errors like losing possession as there was no dummy half at the play-the-ball, dropped ball early in the tackle count and poor passing from dummy half made for a stop start game that never really got going. Having said that, despite going 6-0 down early, the result was never in doubt as the overall quality of the Sharks was too much for the Lions. Rakheem Tuuta-Edwards had a very strong game, contributing two tries and two goals, Bradley Moore produced some eye-catching forward charges, Jack Faull had a great game, scoring a rare try and Wirihana Huriwai looked dangerous every time he touched the ball. Despite our lethargic line speed, the defence was good overall in restricting the opposition to two tries and better execution in attack would have led to more points. Plenty to work on and improve upon at training for the season ahead. All team management please send your teams weekly write up so we can add it to our newsletter to by COB on Tuesdays.
Around the Teams Under 16 Rockingham Sharks White 24 - South Perth 28 This game was highly anticipated by the boys as we had heard that South Perth were going to be a very strong outfit this year. Unfortunately though we went down 10 points early in the first half and failed to complete our sets - we lacked enthusiasm and were out tackled from the onset and were down 22 – 6 at half time. They boys had a different attitude in the second half and strung a few tries together with smart play from replacement hooker Nathan Boffey setting up 2 tries and scoring one himself, unfortunately it was all little too late with silly penalties being given away to give South Perth good field position to gift them a try and to make the chase out of reach for the Sharks in limited time. We cannot play catch up football throughout the season - this might be impressive sometimes to pull it off but more often you come off second best. We need to play consistent football for the full game not just in patches. We know we can play great football but we need a full team effort - you have to have a good mind set on and off the field - believe in yourselves and put in 100 % at training and be ready ahead of next week’s game. M.O.M - Willem Boshoff (Vickers) No matter what position he was playing either Centre or Second Row he showed true character and led from the front with two brilliant tries and backed up with solid defense any Rugby League player would be proud of. Remember - TALENT WINS GAMES BUT TEAMWORK AND INTELLIGENCE WINS CHAMPIONSHIPS! All team management please send your teams weekly write up so we can add it to our newsletter to by COB on Tuesdays.
Support required NOW Are you able to help!!!!!!!!!!!!! At present the Sharks Blue sides are in need of team management staff and at least one, preferably two, Sports trainers to cover First Aid. OUR KIDS NEED YOUR HELP. If no trainers are appointed kids cannot take the field and play. This is a WARL/NRL directive, not a shark’s ruling. Do we have any nurses or interested parents that would be willing to complete the SMA or WARL trainer’s courses? The next SMA trainer’s course is; Sat 15th & Sun 16th June The club will pay for the course. We understand this course is a while away but meantime on the job training will be provided by the Sharks current sports trainers (Craig and Adrienne) You will not be thrown in the deep end!!!!!!!!!
Our Sponsors business is OUR business 2013 Sharks Major Club Sponsor 2013 SHARKS PARTNERS Please support the people who support the Sharks Please support the people who support the Sharks
Our Sponsors business is OUR business Willow Electrics 2013 Home ground signage available 1st year & Set up $600.00 followed by $300.00 a year Buy me now For more information on sponsorship and membership packages please contact Director Finance - Trish Mcgarrigle (M) 0421 480 114 or at
Catch you at the SHARKS LIVE Friday night FOOTY Australia vs New Zealand Club opens at 4.30pm Live Rugby League on the big screen Fish, Chips & Salad + Schooner or Glass of Wine Only = $12.00
Sharks Junior Development working with Secret Harbour Primary School Year 6 & 7 Sports beach carnival
Sharks Junior Development working with Secret Harbour Primary School Year 6 & 7 Sports beach carnival
Sharks Junior Development working with Secret Harbour Primary School Year 6 & 7 Sports beach carnival
Sharks Junior Development working with Secret Harbour Primary School Thank you to Keelyn, Lumpy & JB for assisting with the skills and drills on the day Year 6 & 7 Sports beach carnival
At The Sharks Saturday 27th of Aprils Main Timings: 12.30pm - U12’s North V South 1.40pm - U15’s North V South 2.50pm - Women Perth City v Perth Kiwi 4.00pm - U18’s Perth City v Perth Kiwi 5.20pm - U6’s Mini League 5.30pm - Marching Band HMAS Stirling 5.40pm - Last Post HMAS Stirling Bugler Reading of the ODE – Harry Brankstone 5.45pm - First GradePerth City V Perth Kiwi 6.25pm - U7’s Mini League 6.35pm - First Grade Second Half Commences
Junior Home Game Set up of fields and end of day process All teams playing in the first games MUST assist with the preparation and setting up the fields. This starts an hour and a half before kick off All teams playing in the last games MUST assist with the end of games on your field process. Our regular volunteer group will be available to support and answer and questions that you may during the above expectations Dressing rooms All teams MUST clean the room prior to leaving Canteen This area is critical in your clubs ability to maximise revenue growth and sales as part of every HOME game. The more people have to line up and wait extended periods of time they are more likely to make a decision to leave and spend their money at another retail outlet. Unfortunately this is happening due to a lack of volunteers in our canteen. All teams MUST provide two volunteers (Not team management) for a minimum of 30 minutes prior to their teams scheduled kick off. General topics Each Sharks team requires a linesman above the age of 15. Games will not start without a volunteer in place Rubbish – Please think about who is going to have to pick up your rubbish if you don’t. Let’s all take responsibility of our actions and work together Please show respect to all our volunteers and remember they all work very hard to provide your children an opportunity to play the greatest game of all and to enjoy the experience and have fun. These expectations will be monitored and teams that do not meet this expectation will be managed accordingly with consciences for the offending teams. Should we find ourselves in a situation where a team does not fulfil their commitment to voluntary help, the Club will consider corrective action.
This Weeks Junior Home Games Sharks WHITE
This Weeks Junior Home Games Sharks Blue
The Toughest decisions Sharks Blue & Sharks White teams The key components that influence the teams make up are • Other siblings playing for the club • Parents involved with other teams • Relatives who travel together • Years’ service to the sharks • New players to the sharks generally placed in blue team We do not split the teams as A or B as you can see above that would be impossible · The blue teams play the same amount of games as the white team · The colours used to identify our teams are our clubs colours. We do not use black · In the under 6’s this year we have three teams, the third time is grey · Teams also do not appoint coaches, our clubs committee appoint coaches with the recommendation of Sarg and Myself It is impossible for us to please everyone and our biggest frustration is we cannot keep all the teams together on game day. Would the parents like their boy to be playing in a team that has 14 reserves or do we try to make up two teams to give every player the opportunity to play greater game time.
For all your clubs information checkout Our club has been selected to participate in the Rebel Support Your Sport Program. Under this program, the club can earn 5% of your purchases at Rebel Sport as in store credit to spend on our sports program. All you need to do is join Season Pass, select our club from the list of participating groups and swipe your loyalty card every time you make a purchase at Rebel Sport. You’ll receive access to great member prices and other initiatives and the club will receive a 5% credit. Thank you in advance for your support. KidSport is an exciting new initiative and part of the Department of Sport and Recreation Sport 4 All project. KidSport will allow eligible youth aged 5-18 years to apply for up to $200 per calendar year to contribute towards club fees (which may include uniforms/equipment). Those fees will go directly to any registered KidSport club through their participating local government. For more information about KidSport and to check which local governments are participating, check the following website. This will be updated as implementation progresses. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Mary-Jane Rigby – For all your clubs information checkout Rockingham Coastal Sharks Rugby league and Sporting Club – official page.
This Weeks Senior Away Games Vs
More details available at your clubhouse NOW Become a SHARKS 2013 MEMBER NOW More details available at your clubhouse NOW
A Great offer for SHARKS Pay ONLY $0.89 cents a sachet Teams can order by units only and sell for $2.00 as team fundraising Every one sold the team earns $1.11 for end of year activity and team break up parties MAKES 600ml Please contact Tony Crowe for more information and to place your orders
Mini SHARKS tackle the senior players
Kids ZONE at the Anzac Games West Coast Pirates ship & Fanta ICY WHIRL van Kids ZONE at the Anzac Games
Junior Player of the week Every Thursday night at 6pm in the clubhouse. We will draw out a junior player who will receive a FREE gift pack and the players parents will receive a $50.00 food and drinks voucher to be spent at the club during our LIVE FRIDAY NIGHT FOOTY at the SHARKS Player and a parent must be present at the draw
$40.00 SHARKS Struddys Performance 2013 Club Polo Shirt Order YOURS NOW at the club by March 26th SHARKS Struddys Performance 2013 Club Polo Shirt $40.00 **Please note logo changes Logo placements Front left Sharks logo. Front right Franklin logo. Sleeve left Struddys logo. Sleeve right WARL logo. Back bottom Sharks website
$40.00 $40.00 Order YOURS NOW at the club by March 26 th SHARKS Struddys Sublimated Training shorts with pockets $40.00 SHARKS Struddys Sublimated Training Singlets $40.00 ** Please Note Logo changes placements as is with Franklin across back top with Sharks website across the bottom ** Please Note Logo changes placements are as is with Franklin rear right & WARL rear left
A great fundraising opportunity for the SHARKS teams Plan an event to raise money for your team or to have a function in the clubhouse supported by full bar service and support Speak with our Bar Manager, Amanda to arrange a date and details. **Only the Bar sales stay with the club all other revenue generated is for your TEAM. Your clubhouse is available for FREE during senior away games on Saturday nights
Sharks e-mail address sharksinc04@hotmail Sharks e-mail address for all correspondence, feedback and concerns 2013 club committee