Yes He Can
But boys don’t like fiction They put their fingers in their ears at story time (until you agree to read some non-fiction); They absolutely reject the idea of audio-stories; They will only watch documentaries. Maybe they can’t commit to reading all the way from beginning to end…?
Reading for Understanding and Purpose What was it about? No, what was it really about? What’s your (or the intended) reaction? How did the author do that? What’s he/she up to? Sum up the book/chapter/page in 10 words. Come up with a more effective title for the book/chapter. Come up with a subtitle for each paragraph.
It would be a great help if you could read this by next Monday and tell me if it would be suitable for….
Read to Read with Read by With thanks to Tim Mills, Angel Oak Academy, Peckham
+ _ + _-- “The Simple View of Reading” Are these children truly “weak readers”? _ + Word reading Are these children truly “good readers”? Are we asking these children to do two really hard things simultaneously? _-- Language comprehension
CHOICE + _ + _-- “The Simple View of Reading” Word reading Language comprehension
spelling and handwriting + A Simple View of Writing? WIB _ + Transcribing spelling and handwriting _-- Composition Ideas + organisation
When “Because I want you to do your best,” doesn’t work: WIB
Callum (Y5), explains it to me: Me: Come on Callum, you can do better than that. Callum: Awww…can’t I just tell you? Me: Ummm…
Real Audience, Real Purpose: Story anthologies go in class library, another class’s library, the school library, another school’s library, the public library; Ditto poetry anthologies; Sell appropriately-themed poetry anthologies at the school fete; Playscript must be given to others to work from; Information writing is topic-based and other children are dependent on it for their cross-curricular learning; Instructions are always given to others to follow; Persuasive letters go to people who will respond and/or act; Recounts of visits and events go onto the school website. Not just the best ones: all of them must be given audience!
How will they get better at… Young Writers How will they get better at… Ideas? Sentences? Spelling? Handwriting?
Spelling: Four Strategies Phonics Conventions and rules Sight vocabulary / learning words Memory tricks for sticking points
50 Difficult Words (Adults) 1. Embarrassment 2. Fluorescent 3. Accommodate 4. Psychiatrist 5. Occasionally 6. Necessary 7. Questionnaire 8. Mischievous 9. Rhythm 10. Minuscule 11. Conscience 12. Xylophone 13. Pronunciation 14. Graffiti 15. Millennium 16. Occurrence 17. Exhilarate 18. Restaurant 19. Accessory 20. Guarantee 21. License 22. Separate 23. Believe 24. Colleague 25. Definite 26. Humorous 27. Weird 28. Symphony 29. Illicit 30. Species 31. Appearance 32. Possession 33. Vacuum 34. Changeable 35. Queue 36. Acquire 37. Receipt 38. Receive 39. Difficulty 40. Foreign 41. Discipline 42. Equipment 43. Business 44. Relevant 45. Beautiful 46. Technology 47. Neighbour 48. Friend 49. Religious 50. Government (With thanks to Sue Mordecai, NACE)
Handwriting I have yet to encounter a reluctant writer who has age-appropriate handwriting. Motor skill (non-cognitive) Pen grip Movements, not end products Frequency and importance Grouping and targeting Legible fluency Individual letter targets
Fine Motor Development: Odd One Out? Thread these beads onto string. Pick up these shiny things with tweezers. Make a stegosaurus that can live in this matchbox tray. Also: Lego (not Duplo) and Meccano “It would be really helpful if you could cut out these stars/letters/etc for me…”
Ideas Where does the content for writing come from? Non-fiction: we tend to provide the content… Fiction: …. I found a gun and fell down a hole there was a skeleton and a gun I grabbed the gun and shot the skeleton I got into the time-machine with [insert popular footballer] and we went back and killed lots of dinosaurs and then we came to the future and it was the World Cup I scored more goals than Darren beca
formative assessment (e.g. short-write) model text new content talk } TEACHING WRITING APPLY
Collaborative Compostion formative assessment Enjoy & Immerse Capture & Organise } Collaborative Compostion APPLY
Collaborative Compostion: Charlie and the Try-Out formative assessment Enjoy & Immerse: Cinderella Capture & Organise: Charlie and the Try-Out } _____ Collaborative Compostion: Charlie and the Try-Out APPLY
Each Collaborative Composition Lesson Suggested Structure: Play with the grammar focus Collaborative Composition: Model application of the grammar focus in writing Children apply the grammar focus (orally; MWBs) Children write, applying the grammar focus Mini-plenaries throughout, checking the grammar focus Repeat until the shared composition is complete
Cinderella Collaborative Composition The Invitation Arrives The Fairy Godmother The Ball The Search The Shoe Fits Invitation to the Football Trial The Kind Coach’s Boots The Trial Match The Search The Boot Fits
Cinderella Independent Application The Invitation Arrives The Fairy Godmother The Ball The Search The Shoe Fits Auditions Announced The Generous Auntie The Auditions The Search The Sequined Glove Fits
Cinderella Cross-curricular version The Invitation Arrives The Fairy Godmother The Ball The Search The Shoe Fits Invitation to the Coliseum Boudicca’s Armour Gladiators at the Coliseum The Search The Sandal Fits
Some final thoughts: If in doubt, keep it purposeful; Have fun, but be clear that some things aren’t fun and we just have to tough it out; Be clear about how things work; Be clear about time and quantity; Collaborate – sometimes to compete, but mostly, to smash PBs. Mostly, remember that many boys will cheerfully live up to low expectations!