Topic ART/DT/GEOGRAPHY Important info English/History Nature’s Fury Throughout the topic we shall be identifying major cities in the world, identifying differences and similarities of specific events that have happened and looking at human and physical features local and further afield. We shall also be developing our skills in thinking about creating sketches to show movement. Children will also have an opportunity to create a wooden photo frame. This will test their skills of developing a product and then evaluating the finished piece. Important info PE days will slightly change this term. Langley class PE days will be Wednesday and Thursdays. Both sessions will have an athletics focus. Both sessions will take place down the rec weather permitting. Please do ensure that children have the correct kit in school on these days. Home learning will continue to be sent out on a Friday and should be returned on a Thursday unless stated otherwise. Please do remember that information about home learning is updated weekly on the class web page. Spelling suitcases and maths passports are working well within the class. Please do remember to help your children with their spellings or maths targets! English/History In line with our topic theme, children will have the opportunity to develop their skills in writing news articles and also presenting news as seen on the television. We shall be identifying some stories from the past that have headlined, using these to help develop our own reports. We shall be exploring how to use the present perfect tense and continuing to develop the features of writing that have already been taught so far this year. Nature’s Fury Term 5 Langley Class Mrs Joanna Perry Maths We will be continuing to develop our knowledge of the four operations, and continue to further our problem solving skills; thinking about which method would be most appropriate. We shall also be learning to count on beyond 0 and look in particular at negative numbers using real life examples. Children should continue to develop their times table skills up to 12 x 12 at home when possible in preparation for the times table test at the end of each week. This is important as ever as this is an end of year expectations. Avon Tyrrell Avon Tyrrell is quickly approaching. Please do remember that there is an information evening on Thursday 11th April. This is going to be such an experience for the children individually and within team situations. French During French children will be getting to learn new vocabulary surrounding the topic of weather. Music During the term we shall be exploring the famous Beethoven no 5 symphony. We shall try to use our knowledge of the symphony to help create our own. PSHE Our theme this term is diversity and communities. We shall be exploring what makes up our identity and thinking about the different community groups we might be involved in. RE Our RE theme this term will link with our English learning. We shall be exploring beliefs in action around the world, and answering the question ‘ How and why do believers care for others in the world?’ We shall be relating this to care that is sent in times of need after natural disasters. Science Our topic this term is to learn all about sound! We will be learning how sound is made and how we can hear sounds. We will continue to develop our learning through investigations and enquiries. Computing In computing this term we shall be looking at how Wikipedia is used to provide information. We shall be aiming to produce our own ‘mini Wikipedia’ about different natural disasters.