7th Grade Social Studies Julia Weed
Notecards Use this card to: Ask any clarifying questions Ask questions about your student specifically Request a meeting with me Let me know of anything you think I need to know about your student Please leave your name, student’s name, and contact information
A Bit About Me – Ms. Weed Master in Teaching from University of Washington BA in Theatre, English Literature from Northwestern University, Evanston IL Chicago Public Schools Seattle Public Schools Madison Middle School Aki Kurose Middle School First year at IMS!!
Best Way to Stay Informed Check the classroom website! Email me with any questions Call me or set up a meeting time with any concerns
After School Availability Will be added to my classroom calendar
Why we teach?/Our Classroom All students are creative unique individuals with an important voice Simulations! Chance to experience history creatively Growth mindset Meet each student where they are Mistakes are proof that you are trying Students are always encouraged to improve their work We work collaboratively and respectfully! Engagement first
Our Goals for Your Student Become resourceful independent learners Become stronger readers, writers, speakers and listeners Engage in critical thinking Learn how to ask academic questions Learn how to analyze and break down secondary and primary sources Be able to support claims with text evidence and analysis Know why the reading, writing, speaking and listening we learn and practice in this class are important for you in the real world Enjoy the study of human history!
Homework and Late Work Homework in this class is fairly light; some reflections and projects and papers Late work will not be penalized When assignment is late on due date – fill out orange form (Incomplete assignment form) When it is turned in – fill out blue form (Late assignment form) Ms Weed reserves the right to change this policy.
Grading Philosophy The purpose of grading is to reflect the extent to which the student has met the learning standard. Students’ own self-assessment and reflection of their progress towards meeting a learning standard is just as critical as my own assessment. It does not matter when a student meets a learning standard, but if they meet the learning standard. Growth Mindset
Grading Policy Homework – 15 percent of grade Class Work – 25 percent of grade Performance (assessments) – 60 percent of grade Grades are entered in Skyward as percent total out of 100 - For more information, please see the syllabus/grading policy letter
Growth Mindset Students will be allowed to redo any performance assignment within 1-2 weeks of its pass back date depending on the assignment. The last date for redoes will be clearly posted in the classroom. If a student wishes to redo an assignment, he/she must talk to me so we can conference and create a plan for improving the work. I will always allow students to improve their work
Scope and Sequence TRIMESTER 1 World History 600 – 1600 Feudalism in Medieval Europe Origins and spread of Islamic empires TRIMESTER 2 China: Philosophies and Dynasties Japan: The Golden Age and The Shogunate TRIMESTER 3 Washington State History, Geography, Economics and Civics
Materials Binder (3 ring, 2-3 inches) Composition Notebook Highlighter Dividing tabs for classes Composition Notebook Highlighter Pens and pencil Colored pencils
Goals for Writing Write to a prompt, write to synthesize and analyze text, making a clear claim and supporting it.
Emphasis on Evidence! Claim, evidence, analysis present in all of the CCSS Using textual evidence in reading and writing and speaking As we are learning we are always asking: Why? What makes you say that? What evidence supports your ideas?
Goals for Listening and Speaking present ideas through speaking as well as through technology supported media Individual presentation of ideas (informal and formal) Groups presentations (informal and formal) Socratic Seminars
Goals for Vocabulary Develop age appropriate academic and conversational language Discussion terms, strive towards academic conversation Power Vocabulary Power words Personal Vocabulary List Academic Vocabulary each unit will have focus academic vocabulary words Analysis, inference, narrative craft, plot structure etc.
Textbooks History Alive! The Medieval World and Beyond The Washington Journey
Thank you ISF and PTSA