welcome ICN Business School Campus Nuremberg 2017
Campus Nürnberg
ICN – Campus Nürnberg Campus founded in 2010 Approved by the Bavarian Ministry of Science and Education Approved by the French Ministry of Science and Education Since 2010 Bachelor Programs Since 2013 Master Programs Several Student Programs Languages: German, English, Chinese, Spanish
Visits & Companies Audi Mercedes BMW Airbus Adidas Siemens porsche
Bachelor of Business Administration
Bachelor Program 6. Semester 5. Semester 4. Semester 3. Semester Bachelor Thesis 3rd Nancy 5. Semester Theory – Lectures - Workshops. 4. Semester Theory – Lectures - Workshops & min, 12 Weeks Internships Nuremberg 2nd 3. Semester Theory – Lectures - Workshops 2. Semester Theory – Lectures - Workshops & min. 8 Weeks Internship 1st Nancy 1. Semester Theory – Lectures - Workshops
Master Program
Finance, Insurance & Risk MiM Program – Brand Management Brand Management Finance, Insurance & Risk 4. Semester (en Fr: troisième année) M.Sc. Lectures – Master Thesis NCY 4. Semester Master Thesis NCY Nuremberg 2nd 3. Semester Marketing & Brand Management 3. Semester Finance, Insurance & Risk Mgt NBG 2. Semester (en France: 2ème année) MiM - Branding Nancy 1st 1. Semester MiM - Branding
Finance, Insurance & Risk Management
Professor Stefan Stöckl Prof. Dr. Stefan Stöckl
Aim and score (I) Work area Finance and insurance both in the public and private sectors as for example risk managers, asset managers, etc. In addition, the specialization also deals with the basics of banking and risk management and therefore, it is also possible to work in the banking sector afterwards.
Aim and scope (II) Contents theoretical and institutional basics. On the other hand specific topics in insurance and risk management are subject of the specialization. In this connection, there is a focus on topics like compliance, governance and law as well as risk management (in insurance). Beside this, the specialization also includes lectures dealing with research methods.
Marketing & Brand Management (M.Sc.)
MSc in Nuremberg The MSc in Marketing and Brand Management at ICN Business School Campus Nuremberg prepares you with the strategic and creative skills to enhance an organization’s brand equity
Store and Display Design The program provides a strong foundation in Brand Strategy Market Intelligence Market Research Category Management Packaging Advertising Graphic Design Digital Marketing Store and Display Design Consumer Behaviour
That‘s academics So what is in store for me?
Famous Brands in Franconia
Companies in Franconia
Nuremberg - Nancy App. 5 hours away
Nuremberg – Christmas Market
Franconian Switzerland - Bouldern
Franconian Switzerland - Hiking
Franconian Switzerland – Kajaking
The highest density of breweries in the world
Rock im Park
Klassik Open Air - It‘s for free!
Bardentreffen – La fête des bardes – It‘s for free too – 3 days
Wolke 7 & Sommerliebe (EDM) https://www.nuernberg.de/internet/stadtportal/open_air_festivals.html
Your start in Nuremberg We help you with accomodation (providing adresses, contacts, Internet Links) We help with a job (Part time, Internships) Integration week Teamworkshops every semester (more if wanted) Personal help on the campus French teacher who helps with applications Mentoring program with German students Excursions
Cost of living in Nuremberg Housing Living in a single flat: ~ 400 € / 25 m² Living in a shared flat: ~ 250 – 350 € / room Food: 200 € per month Pizza @ the campus: 5 € Thai Food @ the campus: 5 € Bier: 5-10 € (24 bottles) Sports McFit or XXL Fitness (19,90 € per month)
See you in the most beautiful city in Germany
icn-business-school.de studieren@icn-business-school.de Any questions? icn-business-school.de studieren@icn-business-school.de
Any questions?