Managing Conflict in the Work place Title slide Powerpoint 2010
How Can Workplace Conflict be Positive? Prevents stagnation and stimulates interest and curiosity Helps identify and solve Problems Promotes personal and social change Helps adjust Norms to meet new situations Prevents escalation to more serious conflicts Improves individual and team cohesion and performance Title & content slide Powerpoint 2010
What can cause Conflict? Personality or Style Differences Communication Styles Differences Extrovert versus Introvert Male versus female Cultural differences including Two content slide Powerpoint 2010
What can cause Conflict? Personal Problems Substance abuse Personal health problems Childcare issues Family problems Competing goals or differing beliefs Powerpoint 2010
What can cause Conflict? Organizational Factors Leadership contributors Management contributors Expectations around Workload Hours of work Duties and responsibilities Powerpoint 2010
ANSWERS ??? POSSIBLE Reasons Drawing using MS Drawing -missed diary dates -cumulative stress -no collaboration or team play -disruption to workflow -public complaints -new management -workplace cliques -gossip -poor communication Drawing using MS Drawing & Audio clip for getting class attention Powerpoint 2010
FIRST STEP Recognizing Conflict RECOGNIZE signs of conflict Don’t discount situations as personality conflicts or as “Just a bad day syndrome” ADVISE your supervisor Give Management a chance to deal with conflict directly and immediately by advising them or the issues. Microsoft clip art Powerpoint 2010
SECOND STEP Understand Communication Styles PASSIVE Accepting or allowing what happens or what others do, without active response or resistance. ASSERTIVE Bold and confident assertions, self assured. Positive, affirming, confident. AGGRESSIVE Inclined to behave selfishly and in an outwardly hostile fashion. i.e. “My way or the highway.” Powerpoint 2010
THIRD STEP Understand Conflict Styles Competing Collaborating A S E R T I V Compromising Avoiding Accommodating C O O P E R A T I V E Powerpoint 2010
Discovering YOUR Conflict Style EXERCISE Discovering YOUR Conflict Style * Speakers notes added to this slide Hand out workbooks for discovering your conflict style. Ask that they complete the questions on pages 1 thru 5 in the book by (TIME) and if they are done take a break but you Expect everyone back at ??? time. Tell them to ask if they need assistance. Remind them that the questions should be answered as if they were at work; not home or not school, etc. Think about your work life ! Speaker’s Notes Powerpoint 2010
Thank you for your Time Contact Information : Jsiejljlfd. Uwierjlkerkj @ showlek .ca 567-123-1234 Animation –Basic Swivel/Exit Powerpoint 2010