S6 Administration RHS Fiona White PSL
School Leaver Destinations Destination of leavers from The Royal High School 2015/16 Higher Education 57.6 % Further Education 20% Employment 17.4% Training / AA / volunteering 1.79% Unemployed seeking 2.23% Total positive 96.88% 224 leavers across S4, S5 and S6
Tuesday 12/9/17 Block 4 Edinburgh University Jonathan Holland 19/9/17 Edinburgh College/SDS Chris Spalding Carolyne McArdle 26/9/17 Block4 Personal statements Grubby Picts/Scots Thursday 28/9/17 Block 1 Personal Statements Angles/Brits
Tuesday 3/10/17 Committee feedback Parliament feedback Committee chairs and School captain Tuesday 10/10/17 Block 4 Young Drivers Lorna Henderson Road Safety Officer
UCAS Timeline Pupils who are wanting to apply for Medicine Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Science, and for all courses at Oxford or Cambridge have an early deadline of 15th October 2017 and should register online at UCAS by August
Personal Statement- start What do I want to do? Why? What have I done to support this? Work experience/shadowing/workshops Related subjects in school Related reading
Personal Statement con What am I doing in school? Skills development through subjects Volunteering Position of responsibility Duke of Edinburgh Sports coaching
Personal statement con What am I doing out of school? Volunteering Position of responsibility Duke of Edinburgh Sports coaching Part time work Conclusion
Personal Statement Example I am interested in Nursing as a future career Over the past few months volunteering with the NHS at a local hospital has provided me with invaluable experience. It has helped me to develop my listening and observation skills and provided me with the opportunity to discuss any concerns with staff. Spending time with elderly patients offered such a range of caring experiences, and I was particularly aware of the challenges associated with any cognitive deficit. My Higher Biology course involved an independent investigation project looking at stem cell treatment on neurological disorders and cancers. This required me to develop my analytical and research skills and I relished the opportunity to examine various papers relating to health.
Conclusion I I feel that I have come far from the time when my interest in medicine was ignited through visiting a children's mock surgery workshop. Through career exploration, volunteering in the community and my hobbies, I believe, I have the skills which will prepare me for a career in medicine.
UCAS process LEAPS If form handed in survey should now be Completed Interviews are next week 12th, 13th and 14th September in the meeting room in Music Corridor. l Slips will be in form folders Mrs White will have master list of times
S6 pupil information S6 SUBJECTS LEVEL TEACHER
S6 Pupil Information College/Training /Employment COURSE ENTRY REQ
Useful websites www.myworldofwork.co.uk www.theedinburghguarantee.org www.thecompleteuniversityguide.co.uk www.ucas.com www.leapsonline.org www.edinburghcollege.ac.uk www.elrah.ac.uk