Scaling up EVS Sarah Gormley, Information Services, University of Edinburgh Paul Burt, Centre for Educational and Academic Development , University of Surrey
The University of Edinburgh College of Science and Engineering 2500 College of Humanities and Social Sciences 150 Information Services: IT, Library, e-learning and audio-visual support and infrastructure College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine 400 Key: School (use of EVS) School (no use of EVS) Red number: EVS handsets
Distribution and support Libraries: 40% Teaching Offices: 39% One off lectures / short-term loans: 21% SUPPORT: Part of the University-wide Support network Most queries technical issues
Infrastructure 73 Centrally bookable teaching spaces have software and hardware Issues: Cost Timing Testing
Who is Involved University-wide: Learning and Teaching Spaces Team (software and hardware) e-learning team (general queries) Library teams (2 libraries on 2 campuses, moving clickers between sites) Library systems team (development of client for library issuing) Helpdesk team (first line support) College/School: College e-learning team (distribution / management) School e-learning advisors (direct support in some Schools) Finance / accounts team (purchasing) Lecturers Others: EVS system providers Copyright:
Some common issues Batteries Missing / swapped / unreturned handsets Software issues (e.g. non-standard setup) Moving EVS between campuses Last minute requests Number crunching
Lessons Learned Use the library system Get management buy in Bring EVS into existing processes and support Stress the value of EVS Further information: Copyright: